Xing's mp3 player surpasses Xing's mpeg player! : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hi to all! I have tested the new Xing's mp3 player. Aside from .mp3, it also plays .mpeg movies and guess what?? It's superior than the regular XING MPEG PLAYER. It does not have as many features as the MPEG PLAYER has, but the image itself is better and a very annoying problem of the MPEG PLAYER is has been fixed here: this problem caused that when a long vertical object (like a pillar or stick) quickly crossed the screen from side to side, you could see it broken in two pieces by the middle. As a drawback I can mention that the program is quite large (2Megs), and it eats a lot of resources... so you have to make stunt to point the mouse while it's playing The program is freeware.

-- Matias (, December 02, 1999


hi it good to keep this on internet

-- krishna kumar (, December 29, 2003.

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