greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

12/1/99 -- 2:18 PM

Overnight blackout in Argentina leaves 2 million without

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) - An overnight power outage triggered blackouts across much of the Argentine capital and seven provinces, leaving 2 million people without electricity, utility company officials said Wednesday.

In parts of Buenos Aires and the city's surrounding suburbs, lights flickered back on after two hours late Tuesday. But huge swathes of the country's interior were still without power several hours later, officials with Edesur and Edenor utility companies said.

Authorities are still investigating the cause of the blackout, which occurred at around 7 p.m. amid steaming summertime temperatures.

It was the second major blackout this year. In February, a nearly two-week long outage hit south and central Buenos Aires leaving some nearly 300,000 people without power.

Wednesday's outage stretched from neighborhoods in Buenos Aires to the provinces of Mendoza, Cordoba, La Pampa, Santa Fe, Rio Negro and Neuquen.

Copyright 1999 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

-- Charli Claypool (claypool@belatlantic.net), December 01, 1999


Legtreesitee? We doan need no stinkin' legtreesitee, Paco! Dose NorteAmericanos up on the heel need legtreesitee! We do eet like in old times, uh? Bueno! Now, feenish load de burro an less go home...

-- Jay Urban (Jayho99@aol.com), December 01, 1999.

HaHaHa!!!El rey Strikes de la Ardilla otra vez!!!Esta vez Hemos tramdo el Continente Suramericano a sus Rodillas!!!Usted nunca nos Parara!!! Entrega Ahora!!!Vive de Largo la Revolucisn del Roedor!!!

-- The Squirrel King (StillNuts@upina.Tree), December 01, 1999.

We must kill and eat all squirrels.

-- zoobie (zoobiezoob@yahoo.ocm), December 01, 1999.

We must kill and eat all Spanish-speaking squirrels.

-- preparing (preparing@home.com), December 01, 1999.

we must protect our nuts

-- D E F (eattherich@mailcity.com), December 01, 1999.

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