Are any Pokemon episodes or movies available on vcd??? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Please help???Thanks
-- MoRphiuS (, December 01, 1999
of course they are!!!! Their all over the place mainly in Chinese with Chinese subtitles(cantonese/mandrin) or a more rarer Japanese with Chinese subs
-- Doug F (, December 01, 1999.
Yes, the chinse dubbing with chinese subtitles has reached around episode 50. The cantanese and others are not as fast, less than 25...
-- Exent (, December 02, 1999.
B nsdrf tewjj22 t
-- gfa hsgdvb (, November 02, 2000.
-- Daniel Brugman (, March 17, 2001.
Yes pokemon is avaible on vcd email me and i can give the sites that they are on they are around 5 to 10 usd
-- Andrew Holbrook (, September 19, 2002.
Hey Andy, do you think that this kid might have either found his Pokemon episodes or grown out of Pokemon in the /three years/ that he was eagerly awaiting your reply?
-- Sick of You (, September 19, 2002.