thankful for posters..... : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

Well.....I'm insulted! You're thankful for the Taurus ramblings but not the endless Rottweiler puppy ramblings? Now you've asked for it!!!!

Oh yeah...we're supposed to ask a question..... I am going to keep the little girl puppy. Her registered name is Black Onyx Lava VD Tierarztin. Her dad's name is Madison and her mom is Marlo. Name suggestions anyone? (hint: I don't like people names for dogs (Marlo was not my choice, she came with this name) and I would like something to do with the Lava part of her name if at all possible) Thanks in advance. Special delivery of puppy poop to the winning suggestion.

-- Anonymous, November 30, 1999


Should I be the winner, you can send the puppy poop to your favorite charity.

How about Pele? Hawaiian Goddess of the Volcano.

-- Anonymous, December 02, 1999

No, no!!! I'm grateful for ALL of my posters! And it really was random, but Colleen is one of the dog people, so puppies were well represented among the winners.

I'm not very good with puppy names, although I like the previous suggestion a lot. If not that, maybe you could get a list of volcano names and find one that suits her. I suppose you can't just call her Lava? That would make everyone think of soap.

-- Anonymous, December 02, 1999

i like the name pele, but it's inevitably going to make people think you named her after (a) the brazilian soccer player or (b) the tori amos album.

-- Anonymous, December 02, 1999


I just like it.

-- Anonymous, December 02, 1999

How about Pahoehoe? (pa-HO-ee-HO-ee)

-- Anonymous, December 03, 1999

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