Can Jim Lord (or SOMEONE) please help us to clarigy the "Mr. CEO" situation? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

We are all a bit confused...will he or will he not be on? Also, if what he says is true, I'm surprised that he seems to be the ONLY one to know about it (or at least the only one to talk about it). One would think that if such a grave outlook were actually the case, at least SOMETHING would have leaked...or maybe not, what the heck do I know!


p.s., regarding the food post(below), I have a freind who JUST became a GI this weekend and needs food...not me, i have enough food to feed an army :)

-- Orson Wells (, November 30, 1999


Let's pray no one thinks you have enough to feed a National Guard unit!


-- Y2Kook (, November 30, 1999.

His company is the leading company for addressing the embedded world. They have been working in the power, oil, transportation pharmecutical and manufacturing sectors for a long time. Done some work for me.

He is personally an engineer and very bright. I would trust his assessment of the embedded world over anyone I know.

He, obviously, is trying to do this without exposing himself and his company, so I won't either. He is going to have to be very careful with how he handles this because his customers are not going to be happy, if he talks about them.

-- ng (, November 30, 1999.

Might it be possible to someone out there to make a short transcipt of what "Mr. CEO" is / will tell us OR give us a short summary of his opinion / thoughts.

Would help - not only me - to get some family members and good friends really in the topic.

-- Rainbow (, November 30, 1999.

The question still remains is he or isn't he going to be on the show? It was reported the other day that Mr CEO backed out of the interview. Now some rumor is floating around that he is doing the interview.

-- Gambler (, November 30, 1999.

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