Is Jeremy Alive? : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread |
Okay, so I had a wacko dream last night (or maybe it was this morning - didn't get to bed until around the time that Beth was waking up.=) that I was reading an entry of Beth's and it was about the fact that Jeremy had an appointment at the dentist, but something went horribly wrong, and he died in the dentist's chair. (????)
Yes, I am a freak.
So, humour me, Beth. Jeremy is alive and well, yes? He doesn't have any teeth problems and/or appointments any time soon, does he?
And to keep this along the lines of a question that everyone can answer:
< Have you ever had a dream about someone that freaked you out so much you had to immediately wake up and talk to them to reassure yourself of reality?
(Or am I the only freak?)
-- Anonymous, November 29, 1999
From the age of 10 to about the age of 15 I dreamt, once, every spring, that my mother tried to drown me in our pool when we were swimming together at night. I didn't want to tell her this dream, and I refused to swim with her alone at night for 5 long years. She finally asked me why and when I told her she cried....boy did I feel like s*%t! But the dream was alway so terrified me!
-- Anonymous, November 29, 1999
Well, since at least one other person has answered, I'll tell about my other incident.
Last year, a good friend of ours left to drive up to Canada to spend christmas with his Grandmother. On the night he would have been driving up, I had this dream about him, that he was working on our car, and he went to touch something, but he was standing in a puddle of water, and when he grabbed the cord (or whatever it was out of the car) his entire body lit up. It was very cartoonesque, but not quite as cheesy as that.
I did the whole start awake, gasping for breath thing, and immediately went to the computer to write him mail to make sure he had gotten to Canada okay.
He didn't write me back (mail server problems) but when he showed up for New Year's (after I threw myself on him screaming, "YOU'RE ALIVE!") he explained that he had been in a *small* car accident. He had just hit some ice and it caused him to slide into one of those white construction barriers on the side of the road. It was nothing major, but it still freaked me out.
Bah the subconscious sometimes.
-- Anonymous, November 29, 1999
Yes, he's alive, or at least he was when I left the house this morning. And he never goes to the dentist, so he's probably safe. I'm not telling him about your dream, though, because he really SHOULD go to the dentist, and I don't want to give him an excuse not to.Of course, he hasn't answered any e-mails all day, so maybe he's dead now. I should call and check.
-- Anonymous, November 29, 1999