How to copy existing .dat file and create VCD disk : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have couple of .dat files can i create a VCD using hp-cdrw - 7500e with adaptec cd-creater s/w. Please let me know if i have to create the cd-layout and what format. will it read from odernary VCD players.

-- Samantha Fonseka (, November 29, 1999


I think : "YES !"

Try to convert DAT files to MPG (using DAT2MPEG or VCD cutter). Use CeQuarat Win on CD VideoPack to produce Video CD from MPG.

-- AA (, November 30, 1999.

You have to convert the .dat files to mpg files that are VCD compliant. I have used IFilm Edit 3.0 and Ulead Video Studio 3.0 to do this. Then I used Quadrat WinOn CD to finally output to a disc.

-- Philip Bautista (, November 30, 1999.

Actually, I've yet to find a DAT that could not be burned as is through Adaptec VCD Creator on EZCD Creator 3.0. No need to convert if you get this program. And yes, they play in my dedicated VCD player.


-- Steve (, December 02, 1999.

I've used winOnCD v.3.7 and it is suitable for this aim. and I suggest you to use this software. also I use VCDgear for converting dat-->mpg

-- Farhad Zeinalimehr (, February 03, 2001.

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