Anyone looking to sell a set of encyclopedias? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Preparation Forum : One Thread

The wife and I are looking for anyone who might have a set of encyclopedias sitting around that they might want to get rid of. The year isn't necessarily so important (1985 and newer would be fine). We're looking to buy them as a resource for our kids...and in case we have to homeschool.

Any help or advice would be appreciated.

Best regards,


-- dan (, November 24, 1999



Call around to local libraries.

We picked up an older set of Encyclopedia Brittanica's a couple of months ago for $3.00.

-- mushroom (, November 24, 1999.

Hey Dan, also at the library you can get second hand books for .25 cents each in my area. Also donated magazines at .10 each. Got lots of National Geographics that way.

Good luck and Happy Thanksgiving!

-- Lilly (, November 24, 1999.

At the salvation army I got a complete encyclopedia set (though late 70's version) for $1. Also another "handyman" enclycopedia set (about 20 volumes) for $1.

-- Gus (, November 24, 1999.

Don't know where you live but smaller towns have volunteer fire departments funded in part by "Auxilliary Thrift Shops" - I have been in several and each had multiple sets CHEAP! Good luck!

-- Kristi (, November 25, 1999.

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