Neat product...silver-coated bandages approved by FDA : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Preparation Forum : One Thread

Check out this site -

These are bandages impregnated with silver that are analgesic, speed healing and reduce scarring. Approved for over-the-counter use by the FDA and the Canadian counterpart. Used for burns, cuts, brown recluse spider bites, etc. Kills every known bacteria and fungus (wow!).

I heard about this product on Y2K Talk Radio (John Anderson is the host); they announced that if you called Silverlon and mentioned their show, you could receive a sample of this product. I called and requested a sample. Was told by the very helpful guy who responded to my request that you could order small quantities by mail, but that there was a $75 minimum from the site. Lots of info on the website, including before and after pictures of wounds treated with the bandage. See what you think.

-- Jill D. (, November 23, 1999


I saw these bandages advertized in a magazine recently and I cannot remember the name of the magazine or where I was at when I read the ad!!! I was beginning to think I dreamed the whole thing. They are for sale, I just have to find that magazine.

-- Carol (, November 23, 1999.

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