Adventure out of Time : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
I recall that there was something about a titanic adventure game on this message board a while back. Can anyone tell me about this game? It sounds like a lot of fun. Thank you!
-- Lynae Anderson (, November 22, 1999
Lynae: I have this game. It's called "Titanic Adventure Out of Time" by Cyberflix. As of yesterday, it's still available at Best Buy for a bargain price of only $9.99. I paid $20 for my copy a year ago. I'll withhold my comments, instead referring you to this website which has more information on the game:You better hurry and find a copy; seems Cyberflix hit a berg on May 1st and they're going down by the head. And there aren't enough copies. Not enough by half....
-- Dalton (, November 23, 1999.
That address is: http://www.cyberflix.comAnd yes, that was my first attempt at linking here. Sorry about that.
-- Dalton (, November 23, 1999.
Thank you for letting me know! I bought the game today at Office Max for $13. They only had 2 copies left, so thank you for letting me know so quickly!
-- Lynae Anderson (, November 24, 1999.
I got the game for Christmas last year...and sadly never finished. In fact I'd forgotten all about it, til now. Have fun with it. Gone to search for it now. =)
-- Courtney (, November 30, 1999.
It's a game about skill and adventure. At some parts it is hard to figure out what to do. Like when you are at the part where you have to look for cuff links. It took me a while, but i found them. HINT:BY THE CHAIRS.Its hard at first but after you play it many times it's easy. Good Luck.
-- Dan Christopher Barney (, June 15, 2002.