Suppliers in the UK (SE) : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I am interested in Video CD's as I have already been supplied with the software and an example film. However I am concerned that the VCD was a pirate and I wish to purchase from a legal Uk supplier. Can you help?

-- John Hippisley (, November 21, 1999


I have found a directory of legal VCD suppliers on the web at (it's forward slash video-cds-shop or something but there is a link on the first page). The guy that runs this site monitors the suppliers and says that he has ordered from them himself - I have tried coolvideocds and videocd gallery and delivery for both to the UK took 4 days! The films are first rate quality and I am waiting for my next order (Starwars Trilogy ($28=£19.00)here we come!!)

-- Waynne Smith (, December 30, 2000.

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