Kodak DC 280 and whitish diffuse spots

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Mostly in indoor pictures I will occasionally see whitish diffuse spots off in a corner of the picture (I'm using a Kodak DC 280 in high res/high quality mode). In a second picture that has the spots, they will be in a different position. I've cleaned the lens very carefully. Is this normal behavior? It appears to be light reflecting on something. It's annoying!

-- Scott Dewey (msd@lan2wan.com), November 19, 1999


We've seen this in a number of digicams, didn't notice it particularly in the DC280, but doesn't mean it isn't there (obviously). When the flash tube gets too close to the camera lens, many digicams will show these spots, which are actually out-of-focus dust particles close to the lens, that have been illuminated by the strobe. No fix, other than clean air...

-- Dave Etchells (web@imaging-resource.com), November 29, 1999.

Happens with my Olympus 450Z. Under most situations this problems occurs in 1 out of 50 pictures. But in dusty situations (like a gymnastic competition) these spots are all over the place. You are right, its quite annoying. Is there an article on this. Can one place some kind of visor on the flash????

-- Mitch Goldberg (mitchellgoldberg@netzero.net), December 18, 1999.

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