Why do these test images print so differently?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I'm comparing test images bewtween the Minolta Dimage Dual Scan film scanner and the Kodak DC290 camera. The image I'm using is the musicians image from this site.

Minolta image: DDMUSM4.jpg (1200 X 800) Kodak image: D29MUDLF.jpg (1792 X 1200)

When I print these images using Paint Shop Pro 5 at 100%, the Kodak image prints 10X or more larger than the Minolta image. I don't understand this since the images sizes are not that differnet. At least not enough to make a 10X difference at print. The Minolta image prints about 4" x 2". The kodak image prints larger than the page.

Can someone tell me why this is?



-- Tom Monico (tmonico@micromeg.com), November 18, 1999


Tom, you are being misled that the dimension expressed in pixels dicrectly determines the size. It does not. A pixel has no dimension until it is put into the form of an output, on a monitor or printer. If that 1200 X 800 image is displayed at 300 pixels/inch, it will be 4" X 2.66". The same image displayed at 100 ppi would be 12" X 8". The pixel has no size until you tell the software how many pixels are in one inch. Your two images are being printed at two different ppi deminsions. Your software will give you the ability to change this figure so that they will print at the same resolution. If both are printed at the same resolution, they will be close to the same size since they are close to the same number of pixels in each dimension, as you mentioned.

-- Steve (milwaukeechrome@aol.com), November 18, 1999.

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