Teleconverters specifically used on Nikon 75-150 : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

I'm in the process of acquiring a Nikon 75-150 based on all of the praises that I've frequently read in places like this. I've learned that this lens functions quite successfully with the Nikon close-up diopters. But I'm now interested in knowing how it does with teleconverters, and specifically which Nikon TCs match up best with the lens. What about 3rd party TCs such as Kenko etc? Are they worth the effort, or will I lose too much sharpness potential? Thanks for your responses. You've been most helpful in the past.

-- Bob Thommes (bthommes@sutton.esu9, November 18, 1999


The 75-150 zoom is a great lens (I used mine constantly until it succumbed to fungus). But I would not recommend it with teleconverters. I tried, but with fairly mediocre results (I have high standards). Enjoy the lens. If you need a 300mm, get one.

-- Bruce Rideout (, November 18, 1999.

Hi Bob, you can use the Nikon TC-200 and the Nikon TC-201 for your lens. The TC-201 is just a newer version of the TC-200. The diffence is, that the TC-200 is having an AI cuppling and the TC-201 is having an AI-S cuppling. The glasses are the same, there was no changing. I'm owning the TC-200 and I'm using it with the Nikkor 180mm f2,8 ED, MF version. The results aren't bad. But as Bruce posted above, the results with a zoom lens aren't as good as with a prime lens. The best deal may be, trying to find a 300mm f4,5 prime lens. Many greetings and good luck, Ralf.

-- Ralf Grambrock (, November 20, 1999.

Hi Bob,

of the Nikon converters you can use the TC14A, TC16 and TC201 (and their older versions). The TC14B does not fit becaue of its frontpart has to go inside the lens. I would never expect too much from a 2x converter, but I am still using TC201 with this lens sometimes. The combination with the TC16 might be interesting (search the database for explanation of the quasi AF TC16, there is a TC16 and a TC16A don't remember which is which).

I think all third party converters are less exciting.

I still like my 75-150 !

have fun

-- siegfried boes (, November 23, 1999.

get either of sigmas excellent EX series TC's.

-- neal vaughan (, November 24, 1999.

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