What is my Minox B worth?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread

I inherited a Minox B in a green leather case with measuring chain, flash unit and accessories (Serial Number 809 830)from my aunt. It looks brand new. I would like to sell it, but have no idea of what value to put on it.


-- Lou Warren (louwarren@turner-assoc.com), November 16, 1999


It all depends on condition of your camera.

You may check out ebay, search for "Minox", and monitor the on going auction of various Minox gears.

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), November 16, 1999.

The value depends on the condition of the camera, mostly. Model B cameras seem to fetch prices both high and low. Look at the recently closed auctions on eBay for an idea. If the camera is mechanically flawless, obviously, that is better. Likewise for cosmetics. If you go the eBay route, especially with a model B, include a photo; you will attract more interest from bidders. Also, find out if the selenium meter is working accurately, and advertise the fact in your listing if it is. I recently sold a model B, black, and a cosmetically unmarked but mechanically flawed chrome B; in both cases the pictures helped, other flaws notwithstanding.

-- Chris Henry (henryjc@concentric.net), November 16, 1999.

If you go to the site KEH camera brokers at www.keh.com and navigate to their online catalog, see what similar cameras they have and how much they are asking. They are a used camera broker, I have found them to be rather reliable . They have a grading scale with nice & accurate definitions for NEW, EX+, EX, etc. Usually have a decent selection, but lots of turnover - so they may have a similar set up as above, or you can piece together the price from the "accessories" section....

Wouldn't recommend their quote service, since they will quote you a wholesale price and not an actual value. I have tried to get "value" quotes from them but they always come back with wholesale quotes only (what they would pay, not the open market).

-- don minton (dpm3k@yahoo.com), November 28, 1999.

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