Minox 8 x 11 and scanning

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread

Does anyone on the list have success or even experience with scanning 8 x 11 negatives on a 35mm/APS slide scanner? Is a carrier available for this purpose? I know that software modifications are available for the Nikon Coolscan 2000 to accommodate 35mm panoramics (24 x 65mm images); is a similar modification available for submini? I have made a reasonable search already on this topic but have found nothing particularly helpful.

-- Christopher Henry (henryjc@concentric.net), November 15, 1999


Using Yahoo to search "Minox sprintscan" turns up nothing, you may try altavista, which is in general has a more powerful search engine.

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), November 16, 1999.

try: http://www.slonet.org/~dkrehbie/toc.htm

This site is dedicated to minox photography with a final finishing of the photo on the screen.

-- Oliver (pyper@fks.chem.tu-berlin.de), November 16, 1999.

I have scanned Minox 8 x 11 negatives using th HP Photosmart scanner, and mounting the negatives in 2 x 2 slide mounts. Obviously the result at 2400 ppi is not sufficient for large prints, but is adequate for moniter display. The maximum result is 1039 x 756 pixels.

This can be done with the HP software, but I prefer Vuescan (http://www.hamrick.com/).

Surely any scanner that scans slides could do the same. Also check: (http://www.bayarea.net/~ramarren/photostuff/scanmask/scan-mask.html).

Bob Wright

-- Robert Wright (rew@impulse.net), November 16, 1999.

Fuji Film Co in Japan uses high resolution scanner to scan Minox or ACMEL 8x11 negatives and use laser printer to print on Fuji archival paper.

The resulting prints are said to be much sharper, and the turn around time shorter.

Minox Processing Lab and Submini.com are both rushing to instore Fuji digital printing machines.

See MPL's alta ego


-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), November 17, 1999.

I scan my Minox negatives with a Polaroid SprintScan 35. I made a black mask with a piece of developed film in wich I cut 8 mm windows, so that no light passes over and under the negs. The scanning part must be done twice for each film strip because some frames fall behind the spacers if the carrier, so the film must be displaced a few milimetres to show the frames hidden in the first pass. I set the scanner at 2700 dpi (wish I had a SprintScan 4000), wich gives perfect images for screen view.

-- Wolfgang Fischer (wolfischer@hotmail.com), November 23, 1999.

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