Battery for B/C flash? : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread

What is the original and/or substitute battery for the B/C flash (the AG1/B type)?


-- John Sonewald (, November 15, 1999


John, the B/C flash uses one Eveready 504 15v carbon zinc battery. Replacement: Mallory M504.

-- martin tai (, November 15, 1999.

The M504/504 15volt alkaline battery is readily available from Radio Shack catalog order. It is cat. no. RSU 10048510. They can be ordered from a local store or via their website.

-- Jerry Kimball (, February 20, 2000.

I bought today an alkaline 15V in Lima, Peru. It is a Varta V 74 PX (made in Germany). It also says "MN 154 10 LR 54". I have not use it yet with my flash, but IŽll try soon.

-- Eduardo OŽShee (, May 23, 2001.

Batteries for Minox

-- martin tai (, May 26, 2001.

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