MPEGator, Can someone cut me a fast action DEMO.. : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hello can Someone cut me a VCD demo of a fast action movie atleast 15 mins long ONLY ON a MPEGator. I am currently using a Sphinx Pro and I'm not quite satisfied with the quality. So before I shell out over a grand I would like to see a "real capture" instead of the demo of fishes that Darwin has on their website. I am willing to pay at least $2.50 for each demo sent.

On the Sphinx I recreated a wedding video for a friend, they were not impressed. please write on the disc your system type and speed. Please email me for address.

Thanks in advance ernie

-- Ernie Desir (, November 15, 1999


It's Darim, not Darwin, but you're right, the demo of fishes on their website doesn't tell the tale where fast movement is concerned. But why not e-mail them straightaways and demand for this fast movement demo?? I'm sure they'll be more than glad to prove that fast action doesn't faze MPEGator PCI/USB.

-- EMartinez (, November 16, 1999.

You're right EMartinez I sould go directly to the source. Thanks So for now I will be willing to accept any feedback on the MPEGator.


-- Ernie Desir (, November 16, 1999.

I own an MPEGator, but I wouldn't recommend buying one unless you also get the M-Filter board (also by Darim), which significantly enhances the video. Of course capturing any fast moving video using a VCD compliant MPEG stream, is not going to look too hot; even professionally done VCDs can't handle fast motion well, especially if there's is a lot of motion throughout the frame.

Not familiar with the hardware you're using (Sphinx Pro), I can only speculate and say you probably will be disappointed creating VCDs-- with fast action/motion--with the MPEGator also.

When I want to encode fast moving MPEG, I usually use a higher bit rate; but then that's not VCD compliant and can only be viewed on my computer. I'm assuming you want the VCD so it can be played on a VCD/DVD player? Otherwise, use a higher bit rate and let your friend watch the video on their PC.

-- Patrick Kelley (, November 18, 1999.

Thanks for the info Patrick, I guess i'll stick with what I got. :)

-- Ernie Desir (, November 22, 1999.

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