Which to choose Fujifilm MX2700 or MX1700?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I am not sure which to go for. Money isn't really an overriding factor but I am not sure if the optical zoom on the MX1700 is worth it for the lesser resolution (1.5 on 1700 opposed to 2.3 on 2700). How useful is an optical zoom? I won't be taking any photographic masterpieces! I have a HP Deskjet 693c printer with photo cartridge which prints at 300dpi. Would there be any difference in the quality of pictures I am likely to print out? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks.

-- Paul McCarrison (paul.mccarrison@virgin.net), November 14, 1999


Paul, I myself have the MX-2700, it really is a great camera, the pics that I've taken came out very beautiful. However, it would really be nice if there's an optical zoom. Trust me, although you're only going to use this camera for casual purposes, sooner or later, you'll feel that having an optical zoom would be a nice addition. At least, that's what I thought.

I'm not sure about MX-1700's 1.5 megapixels quality, but the old MX- 700 (which has 1.3) received a 'best-buy' award. And the MX-1700 got very nice reviews from magazines/websites. The picture quality is very good too.

One thing to consider though, for the price, I think MX-2700 cannot be beat. They're selling it for around $500-$550 right now. And it has 1800x1200 resolution! It depends on your budget too. If I were you I think I'm going to save up, and buy the Nikon 950. I bought the MX-2700 thinking that I'm only going to use it casually, but later, I just got hooked in photography and became more serious (although I'm very much still a beginner). Nikon 950 is by the way, kind of like the 'benchmark' for all digital cameras today.

Sorry for the long post, good luck on your purchase. Either way, they're both great cameras! Malvin

-- Malvin Latief (ascorve@hotmail.com), November 14, 1999.

One thing to consider, the size of the prints you are going to end up with. Do you plan to print 8x10 pictures a lot? If you think that your pictures will be the 3.5 x 5.5 or 4x6 like you get with a regular camera, then expect great quality pictures with the 1.5megapixel camera.

The zoom also lets you frame a picture to a certain degree; a real plus.


-- David Erskine (davide@netquest.com), November 16, 1999.

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