Minox projectorsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread |
MINOX ENLARGER MODELS MODEL LENS LAMP HP 3001 35mm F2.7 Minostar, triplet
35mm F1.6 4 element Minolux110 V/220V MINOMAT 3002 35mm F1.6 Minoxlux 110 V/220 V 150W MINOTACT 3003 35mm F2.7 Minostar 12 v 100 W MINOMAT N 3004 35MM f2.7 Minostar 12 v 100 w HP 24303 35MM F2.7 Minogon 24 V 150 W HP 24304 Autofocus 35MM F2.7 Minogon 24 V 150 W
-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), November 14, 1999
Owner of Minox project please post the enlarger lamp part number or email me for updating the projector table to include the projector lamp
-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), November 21, 1999.