Help! Bee sting! : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

Oh, man. Doc got stung by a bee again. I can't find the stinger or even the exact spot where he got stung, but he's about to go nuts. Is there ANYTHING I can do for him, or does he just have to tough it out? I think he's going to destroy the house if I leave him alone. Help!

-- Anonymous, November 12, 1999


Benadryl, if you've got any. He's about 50-60 lbs, right? One capsule may or may not be enough, two will at least knock him out for a while.

Meat tenderizer is supposed to help, but hard to use on a dog and if you don't know where the sting is it won't be much help.

We keep Benadryl (generic Wal Mart version, 100 for $4) capsules and liquid on hand in our Doggy First Aid kit. It's the only medication we give the dogs without specific instructions from the vet.

-- Anonymous, November 12, 1999

Yeah, some other people suggested that, too. I didn't give it to him, though, because now it's obviously not a bee sting. He's really sick. I'm worried.

He goes to the vet at three. I'll post the outcome here, because there definitely won't be an entry tonight.

-- Anonymous, November 12, 1999

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