How come I can't paste here? : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread |
How come I can't copy from the frames or paste into them? I wrote up a response for the forum and when I tried to paste into it, nothing happened.I'm using NT with Internet Explorer and tried to paste from both Word and and plain text file.
-- Anonymous, November 10, 1999
Hmm. I don't know. I've pasted here before a lot of times. Like when I spend a lot of time writing a response and then the server times out, I copy my answer and save it, and post it later. In fact I did that yesterday. I use Netscape most of the time so maybe there's something weird with IE? Or maybe it was one of those weird glitches I get sometimes in Windows, where you clearly told the computer to copy something, but it ignored you.I don't know what was up with the server timing out. I'm having problems with notifications bouncing and not being able to unsub the people, as well.
-- Anonymous, November 10, 1999
Probably not gonna help, but did you click in the text window before you tried to paste, or just alt-tab from wherever to your browser and then paste? That gets me all the time--I copy something, switch apps, and try to paste before selecting the box I want it to go to.You could try calling Microsoft...
-- Anonymous, November 10, 1999