Do you dream in stories? : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread |
My dreams usually have plots. Not good plots, but they have plots. There's usually a mystery that I'm trying to unravel, and often there are famous people involved.The other dream I had last night was a dream about having a sexual fantasy. Is that the lamest thing you've ever heard, or what? I didn't dream about sex, I dreamed about fantasizing. I think I need therapy.
What are your dreams like?
-- Anonymous, November 10, 1999
Usually constantly morphing, seems to be logical at the time, but in retrospect, isn't.Of course I rarely remember my dreams.
--Al of Nova Notes
-- Anonymous, November 10, 1999
Sometimes complicated stories, but more often they're tedious things like trying to get something done at work. I have a lot of dreams where I'm trying to log on or something and it doesn't work. what does that say, dr freud?
-- Anonymous, November 10, 1999
A lot of my dreams have plots, or at least the ones I remember do. Realism varies, but I often dream of being betrayed and yelled at.I don't usually have famous-people dreams. Well, there was the one where Seth Green left me for a science fiction author because she could help his career. And that's just about the most recent one I remember.
-- Anonymous, November 10, 1999
I have lots of dreams about vampires. Those dreams are always complete with a very clear plot in which the vampires win - possibly related to my work as an attorney. That's why I liked the "what would you do if you were Buffy" fantasy a couple of weeks ago. She never shows up in my dreams, of course. Just a lot of ugly guys with fangs. Not too different from my waking life.
-- Anonymous, November 10, 1999
Only the best ones have plots. But I hardly ever remember my dreams any more -- too stressed out, too tired, not sleeping enough hours.The plot ones are usually really cool -- sometimes I'm a superhero, or a wizard, and I'm chasing Evil Bad Guys and needing to outscheme them to foil their Wicked Plots with my superior powers.
Then there's the dreams where I'm being chased, and I learn to fly just in time to escape. Those are all right, but a bit worrying.
I used to dream about the Great Wave engulfing the land whenever life got to be too much for me -- relics of seeing the spring tide at the age of six. Now, though, after a nightmare period a few years ago of working in the facility from hell, I dream about hopelessly hunting for lost objects in a huge, cold, horrid building with tunnels that go on and on and on, getting scarier and scarier.
The best dreams are the ones where I open a door in my house I didn't know was there, and find huge beautiful rooms, libraries, wonderful places.
-- Anonymous, November 10, 1999
I had a dream a couple of weeks ago that you and Al (from Nova Notes) were going to meet in person, and my husband and I had to stop you before something bad happened. Not bad as in, you were going to hurt each other or anything, but bad as in you were gonna kiss and run away together and break hearts, etc.A few nights before that, I dreamt that I was house-sitting at Kymm's apartment, and she was coming home and I had been very lax about cleaning and such, and I had to get her apartment cleaned before she got home, and her cats were running around being very bad. The whole dream was of me cleaning. It was pretty dreary, because I was just cleaning FOREVER.
-- Anonymous, November 10, 1999
After reading Robyn's answer, Beth, I guess we're going to have to cancel our plans to run off together and break our SO's heart....\--Al of Nova Notes.
-- Anonymous, November 10, 1999
Oh, you *think* you're so subtle Al, but it's JUST as I suspected. You can't hide anything from me... those longing sidelong emails, the constant links. I knew something was going on.
-- Anonymous, November 10, 1999
Oh jeez. ever since i moved to England i've had tons of really weird and active dreams. last night i dreamed that i had met this cute boy, but young, and somehow we ended up dating. we never uh 'got down' but we kept being on the verge of it, not bcause i really wanted to, but because i kept feeling guilty about him somehow. at one point i rejected him and then he broke his leg. next thing i know we are hanging out on a couch, him with this huge cast on his leg, and it's clear he held me responsible and now just wants to hold me. And I'm so not into it, but i feel responsible. so there's lots of awkward deflecting going on. and it's realy hot. sweaty, i mean...he was cute and all, but a high school senior. And then he and his friend and me are hanging out and a lot of time must have passed and i find this little "shrine" to me which he made which has all these weird things like donuts which he bought me which i used to throw away because i didn't like them.. he's found them all and saved them. there are rows and rows of powdered sugar i past helping, doctor freud?
-- Anonymous, November 11, 1999
I dream that I'm in adventure stories, or spy stories. I've usually got the big secret that everybody wants, and now they're chasing me.
-- Anonymous, November 11, 1999
Okay, I admit it...I'm hopelessly in love with Xeney. Any woman who has that big a collection of trashy paperback covers is my kind of woman!Al of Nova Notes.
-- Anonymous, November 11, 1999
I usually have really strange dreams, but since my surgery I have LOTS of wierd Vicodin-induced dreams. I frequently have one in which I now live in my parents house. In real life, the house is built on a series of hills. Thus, you walk in the front dorr at ground level. You walk down a flight of stairs and you're at ground level. You go out onto one of the porches (the on with the gazebo on top and the beachhouse below) and down to the beachhouse... ground level. Anyway, the living room is on the very top ground level, (There is also a 2nd floor) and the family room is the 2nd ground level. Opposite sides of the house. In my dream, I buy the new Dreamcast for my kids. In trying to fit the battery into the (?) remote screen, I break it sending battery acid cascading onto the living room floor. It eats away a portion of the baby grand, and a manhole size piece of the floor. You can look down through the floor and see into the family room. ( A physical impossibilty) My first thoughts are about how I will explain this to my parents. After all, I've only lived in the house for a couple of days compared to the 29 years they did. I then try to hide the hole with coffee tables and ceiling fans. I finally wake up feeling guilty as hell. God, Freud would have a field day with me!
-- Anonymous, November 11, 1999
You know, your pamie dream might have been some sort of premonition with you knowing somehow I was on my way to the west coast...possibly.
-- Anonymous, November 15, 1999