Problems when capturing full screen : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hi, I'm having some problems capturing videos on the full screen format. The image is has a lot of unwanted lines showing up when I'm capturing at above 15fps although I don't get this problem when using the half screen mode. My computer is running on a cyrix300 processor and I'm using a capture card from Studio PCTV and my hard disk is a 9.1GB cheetah. The capture software I'm using is the Aopen Vcap utility.

Do I need to change my software or my capture card?

-- Leo Cortez (, November 08, 1999


Try using Video Capturix 2000, it works very well for me, though my computer is running at Pentium 200 MMX. Good Luck.


-- Koshikan (, November 15, 1999.

Thanks for the tip. Although there were still problems is capturing, I think it is caused by my processor (or motherboard) since I got a cleaner avi files when I tried it on a pentium 200. Maybe I'll upgrade to PIII.

-- leo (, November 18, 1999.

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