Help, should I post this information? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Forum Moderators : One Thread

Sometimes information flows from really interesting sources.

This past weekend involved a family visit to our friendly hair lady. She's got an amazing ability not only to gossip but also to mix with a wide variety of clients, friends, family.

While discussing the fact that a friend of hers was killed on Flight 800 and the possibility of terrorism with regard to Flight 990, she went off on a tangent which lead to a great discussion.

This woman's daughter works as a PhD in the Bio/Chem world and she is begging and pleading with her mom to get out of the LA and join her in a remote area of Arizona for the rollover. The woman's daughter mentioned amounts of harmful agents such as anthrax have gone missing at many different Universities and other facilities over the years. This, combined with an advisory to the NIH from the FBI warning that all government employees should avoid government buildings at the rollover. The FBI is worried about possible terrorist actions, especially BIO/CHEM attacks and wants to get people such as this doctor away from the cities so that they can survive to manage the effort and combat the effects of an attack in the aftermath. Also, she mentioned that facilities like Hospitals will be used as "cover" for many obvious reasons.

Like I said, it was an interesting conversation...but it didn't end there.

This woman also has a very, very close friend who is a captian of a Fire Department only about 6 miles from me. This captain has preps to last his family of eleven 28 days. Pondering that it isn't difficult to imagine the scope and size of this prep effort. Also, that if preps are needed in a city like LA for a month then the city will not be a great place to stay in. I am ready to abandon much of what I have and get out with essentials within a month if I am forced to be here at rollover. This is interesting information. However, it didn't end there. This captain stated that a local hospital only three miles from me is "currently" being utilized and prepared by the FBI as a command center. The entire top floor of this hospital has been taken over.

The information stated by this woman's daughter is cooberated by a local Fire Captain.

There was more but the bottom line is should I post such information? Is it really useful?



-- Anonymous, November 08, 1999


Michael, for pete's sake move your bloomin arse NOW and get the hell up here!

YES the info is useful! If you don't want the flack, post your thread with an anonymous handle. Those who are adept at reading comprehension can at least plan to include your info in their preps.

Look, we're in a really nice low-income apt. complex. Close to farms. Enough vacancy (changes of course) probably for your whole family. 1, 2, 3-bedrooms, larger than normal apts. Not the Ritz, but not pits. Very good area, not rural enough, but has some great features.

Safety in numbers. Would be really nice to get some Doomers together to help each other.

Michael, you're making us even more nervous than we normally are!

-- Anonymous, November 09, 1999


Do it anon if you like.

(((GET OUT OF L.A.)))

Diane, "nervous" in Silicon Valley

-- Anonymous, November 09, 1999

"There was more ... "

Michael, spit it out! Don't make us wait!

-- Anonymous, November 09, 1999

ok.. the "more" had much to do with the fact that her daugher is very disturbed by the amound of lethal substances missing from large university and other research centers. Also, there was a recent discovery of a van on a highway near Tahoe which was in fact nothing but a large chemical weapon. The van had large drums full of a liquid substance and a detonating device. This information was shared with her by our local Fire Captain. Bottom line again, terrorism isn't just something that might's already happening and you don't want to be in New York, Chicago or LA when the ball drops.


The reason I hesitate to report this is that I don't want to be a fear monger. Is this information really helpful or just third party (me) information shared second hand? What, how and how would it benefit others?



-- Anonymous, November 09, 1999

As a fact-verification monger you might be able to alert fellow Los Angelans of the need to prepare and maybe relocate. Also to shelter-in-place.

We say: POST IT!

-- Anonymous, November 09, 1999

Mike, if you decide to post it, perhaps insert lots of caveats, as has been done by others. Be sure to use lots of "maybes," "perhapses," and "coulds." As A&L say, the regulars will know how to interpret it. I'd say use your real name because it has much more credibility than anon. If anyone flames, you can say, "Look, I clearly SAID it was hearsay and not to be given as much weight as a notarized document."

Above all, go with your gut feeling. If it doesn't feel "right" to post, don't do it.

-- Anonymous, November 10, 1999

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