Does someone think you should make better use of your time? : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread |
There's always someone, isn't there? Your boss, of course, probably thinks you should be working overtime. Your professors think you should have spent more time on the reading. Your journal readers think you should update more often. (Just kidding.) And the people with whom you live think you should be doing more of the work around the house.Who makes claims on your free time?
-- Anonymous, November 08, 1999
I know my mother thinks I should be running around doing errands all weekend long; every Sunday when I talk to her and she asks what I've been doing all weekend and I say "Not a damn thing", she snidely says "Oh, thaaaaat sounds exciting." Nope, not exciting, and that's the way I like it.I spend 3/4 of my workday surfing and reading journals; I'm sure my bosses think I could be doing more, but I get what needs to be done, done, so they have no real complaints.
I long ago stopped giving a damn what other people think I should be doing with my downtime. And luckily, I married someone who likes quiet weekends lazing around the house.
-- Anonymous, November 08, 1999
Oddly enough, my most demanding taskmaster is myself. I set myself goals and try to reach them. That's because if I don't set myself goals, I won't even try. I can be incredibly lazy, but I hate missing a deadline.--Al of Nova Notes.
-- Anonymous, November 08, 1999
My wife thinks I should spend more time cleaning and less time playing on the computer. Given that she spends most of her free time playing on the computer, her opinion doesn't carry much weight.Oh, and yes, your journal readers DO want you to update more often.
-- Anonymous, November 08, 1999
Wait ... every day isn't enough?!!!
-- Anonymous, November 08, 1999
Come *on* here, we need updates every hour, on the hour! =DMy dad has been getting on my butt about going to school again. "You've got all that time in the mornings to take classes," he says. I've been to school, it didn't do anything for me, and now I just want to work - NOT play roulette again with a new major.
My boss gets upset when I finish a task she gave me in 20 minutes, and she thinks it should have taken an hour. I can't work more slowly, though, and she thinks I've done a half-assed job on it. Oh well.
she's actual size
-- Anonymous, November 08, 1999
I'm extremely lucky - none of my near and dear ones nag me much about improving each shining hour. My mom thinks I should lose weight and start a compost heap and get my husband to have a better job, but she doesn't mention those things very often.heck, I'd to lose weight and for him to have a better job, but Rome wasn't built in a day. The compost heap I couldn't care less about.
-- Anonymous, November 08, 1999
Not me, but I often get on Dave for being a lazy bum.To which he replied, "You knew I was a lazy bum when you started going out with me, You knew I was a lazy bum when you moved in with me, and You knew I was a lazy bum when you agreed to marry me, SO GET OVER IT!"
I guess he told me!
Alone in A Crowd
-- Anonymous, November 08, 1999