Hello anyone...greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
It is me, the former Lawman or Okielawman....I have been trying to find everyone, and Exile for that matter for a few weeks....Please let me know if anyone remember me.......
-- Glenn (revelations6_8@excite.com), November 03, 1999
Hey guy.....I remember you.......hope you remember me...you know..the little flower that sat in the corner.....heehehe....Keep hanging out in Exile....someone is bound to come in sooner or later!!
-- SunFlowerGirl1 (dianne63@hotmail.com), November 03, 1999.
Hey there! Of course we remember you, Lawman.Exile's been empty a lot, I've noticed, except during some early evening hours (East Coast U.S., time) and later (like around 11pm, ET).
Or for a party. :-)
So who's holding the Thanksgiving Day party? And who's bringing the turkey? [ducking before someone answers that with a joke]
-- Editrix (editrix@hotmail.com), November 04, 1999.
Your alive? Sheesh........Its been forever! I think about ya now and again.....Miss ya!Hugs and Kisses
-- Shel (Shelbyx@email.msn.com), November 04, 1999.
Hey, sure I do, Law....but remember the 3 little monkies: deny seeing, hearing, or saying anything about anything more!!!!!!!! Wish the place would re-emerge for the 21st-Century Exhilaratarians, warm and safe once again!
-- Sibil (sibil@excite.com), November 05, 1999.
Yeppers, I remember you. Do you remember me? I wear lots of different avs and I love cow gestures. LOL See you in Exile soon. Wish you were here tonight.
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), November 06, 1999.
Hi Okie. I remember u. Men in Blue! Howdy? I'm ok..thanx for asking!!! Yeah well damn i stay in exile 22 hours a day. So u always pop up in Just those 2 hours. Hopefully 1 day u'll show up when i'm there. I'll think of You! take cake...& Enjoy urself. Jazz (goal__)
-- Jasmine B (shteffi@hotmail.com), November 13, 1999.
Dang Dang....miss you guys!
-- Gmackly (Gmackly@hotmail.com), December 04, 1999.
Well don't be such a stranger then! Come on back and play a little.
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), December 04, 1999.