email trouble..anyone else?? : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Hey...I have these postings come to me in my email. Is anyone else that is doing the same having trouble getting to the board from their mail? I had to come to Vplaces and find the board to post this..couldnt get to it from the link in the email message.

Editrix....any ideas as to why this trouble??

-- SunFlowerGirl1 (, November 03, 1999


It appears to be a problem with Hotmail (which is where your messages are going).

If you cut & paste the link into a browser, instead of clicking on the link in Hotmail -- it then works. (Or, if you use another mail program to get your messages, it works there, too.)

Only links in Hotmail. Feh. :-(

--Editrix (who has a Hotmail account herself, so knows the link is "bad" only in there!)

-- Editrix (, November 04, 1999.

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