Cool Font : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

What font are you using your headlines (i.e. November 1999, recent, forum)? I love it!

-- Anonymous, November 03, 1999


It's called NevisonCasD (probably Nevison something else, abbreviated for my font list) and I have no idea where it came from. I think it probably came included with some software package. Glad you like it.

-- Anonymous, November 04, 1999

I was also going to ask what the Hex # is for the background color you're using. That's my favorite color green!

-- Anonymous, November 04, 1999

#99CC66. I think. I just swiped that from the body tag, and I assume I used the same color in the style sheets, but sometimes I'm a dork and I screw up one or the other.

-- Anonymous, November 04, 1999

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