Reports from the U.S. Long-O' Champs in N.Y. : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread

The Long-O' champs was last Saturday in New York. OK was represented by Peggy, Mary, Dan and I. Dick and Nancy represented PTOC.

Since it was the long-O' champs, the courses were long and designed to emphasize route choice. The Red course was a bit over 11 km and the best time was over 100 minutes. Complete results are on the web at

For me, the highlight of the event was to run on the map from the 1993 World Champs. The map is Surebridge and is in the middle of Harriman State Park. Harriman is about an hour north of Manhattan (and even closer to Mary's hometown of New City). The terrain is fantastic -- contour details, lots of rocks and cliffs, distinct areas of dense vegetation. Surebridge was used for the classic final event. While I ran the 1993 World Champs, I didn't run the classic event (and if I had I doubt I would have qualified for the final!).

My plan was to try to find a pace that felt easy and not to push in the early parts of the course. If I had anything left, I'd push the pace (or at least the effort) over the last third of the course. This approach seemed to work pretty well. I began slowly (a poor route and a minute parallel error at the first control meant Dan made up two minutes on me by the first control!). After the slow beginning...I maintained a slow pace. But, I also had a clean run and as I kept going my running became smoother. The footing in Harriman is very rocky. If you're not used to running there, it is very difficult to run smoothly. You end up stumbling around and wasting a lot of energy to go slowly. Once you get used to the terrain, you can keep up a decent pace without wasting so much energy. As I progressed around the course, my running got smoother. I haven't looked at my splits, but I think my pace was probably increasing.

Any other reprots from OK (or PTOC) long-O' runners?

-- Michael (, November 02, 1999


Unfortunately I was unable to attend the Long-o and have no story of my own to report, but all of those OK fans out there may want to read a recent interview I conducted with Spike. He reveals some very interesting things...

A Short Visit with Spike

-- Mook (, November 03, 1999.

There is a pretty interesting interview with Sandra Zurcher -- finished 3rd on F21...just a few seconds behind Peggy -- on the unofficial junior web page. The page is at:

-- Spike (, November 03, 1999.

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