Many people on this Sonoma Y2K list are concerned about nuclear accidents due to a lack of Y2K readiness at nuclear power plants. Here are some resources in that area passed on by NHNE.

NHNE Resources: Potassium Iodide Radiation Protection FAQ & Sources Wednesday, October 27, 1999


Hello Everyone,

As all of you know, there has been increasing concern over the Y2K-readines of nuclear power plants around the world, especially in the former Soviet Union. On October 4th, I sent out a special report that itemized some of the concerns, and cures, for potential nuclear accidents ("Radiation Info, Kits & Remedies" ). I have also posted more in depth information to the NHNE Y2K List concerning emerging (and existing) nuclear problems:

Where Is the Next Chernobyl?

How to Locate Potentially Dangerous Facilities:

GAO Urges More U.S. Nuclear Y2K Precautions:

Recently, I received word from Shane Connor about a new comprehensive website he created that examines all aspects of potassium iodide radiation protection. Among other things, Shane's website examines the following areas:

-- What is Potassium Iodide (KI)? -- How does Potassium Iodide (KI) pill provide radiation protection? -- Radioactive Iodine: Bad News / Good News? -- Dosage and safety regarding Potassium Iodide (KI) usage? -- Is iodized salt, sea salt, fish, kelp, or other kinds of iodine effective? -- Is the government ready with emergency stocks of KI? -- Will KI flush radioactive iodine out of the thyroid gland? -- Where can you obtain KI over-the-counter? -- How much personally stocked KI is enough? -- When should I take it? -- For how long should I take it? -- Long term stability of stocked KI? -- What about Potassium Iodate (KIO3)? -- Location of nuclear reactors in U.S.? -- More KI, I-131 & Thyroid Cancer links... -- Printer Friendly Version (no graphics) -- Quick/Easy Recommend This FAQ Page

I encourage all of you to visit Shane's website and let any friends you might have who are interested know about it as well:

With Love & Best Wishes, David

-- Jean Wasp (, October 31, 1999

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