ADVERTISEMENT: Stuck with a Fireplace? Get the Slot Fire : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Preparation Forum : One Thread

This is a reminder of an earlier thread on fireplace grates:

I got tweaked by an anonymous poster the last time I tried to recommned a product so unique it was still manufactured solely by the inventor and patentee, Lawrence Cranberg, Ph. D. Forging relentlessly on past the gnats, I still recommend that for anyone who may be limited -- by time, cash, or supply problems -- to the exclusive use of a fireplace, that you check out Dr. Cranberg's website,, read the testimonials that appear there, and to which TB2000 regulars added on the last thred on this subject -- then consider picking up one of these excellent fireplace grates.

If you were able to use a Texas Fireframe, aka "Slot Fire", aka "Physicist's Fire", you'd enhance the radiant heat output of your fireplace to ... get this .... 2000 F; and triple the efficiency of the fireplace from 10 to 30 percent. If you were to couple the fireframe with an Amish or other 1790's style tin reflector oven, you could cook meat, apples, or anything with lots of connective tissue, etc. without worrying about grease flareups causing chimney fires, etc.

There's nothing wrong with thinking ahead, and nothing at all wrong with celebrating the genius of technologies [like the FIREPLACE] that lasted for millenia and millenia until a few idiots propsoed remodeling all reality along a Cartesian grid, and then onto a binary digital data system. Binary!

-- Roch Steinbach (, October 29, 1999


A related tip: your local Goodwill, Salvation Army, or St. ..... what's his name? is likely ot have good old cast iron griddle, pans, etc. for cheap.

-- Roch Steinbach+ (, October 30, 1999.

St. Vincent DePaul, I believe it is.

-- SH (, October 30, 1999.

Here's the link:

Stan Faryna

Can't get a good price on something? Click here and check out the cooperative preps thread.

Got 14 days of preps? If not, get started now. Click here.

-- Stan Faryna (, October 30, 1999.

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