static hair : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

HELP! my hair is FULL of static. i hate to use styling products. is there anything else that i can do besides rub dryer sheets on my hair making me smell like a dewey meadow?

-- Anonymous, October 28, 1999


turn a humidifer on. you can also use static-gaurd on your hair (no kidding!!!)

-- Anonymous, October 28, 1999

I usually just run a bit of water on my brush before running it through my hair on staticky days. It almost always does the trick. If you aren't averse to using _any_ styling products, a spray-in conditioner or an anti-frizz serum add a little more power for those ultra-static situations.

For the record, my hair loves static, and I hardly ever use anything more than conditioner on my hair. I do like the Infusium 23 hair treatment capsules, though.

-- Anonymous, October 29, 1999

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