N70 hotshoe failure

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

My Nikon N70 now fails to fire my SB27. My wife's N60 will fire the flash. Is there an easy fix (besides stealing my wife's body)? Thanks for any advice.

-- Larry Korhnak (lvk@gnv.ifas.ufl.edu), October 28, 1999


1. Use a pencil eraser to clean the hotshoe contacts of crud.

Failing this - send it in for repair.

-- Shannon (shong@lhc.qld.edu.au), October 28, 1999.

I also have a SB27 and a N70 combination that is very quirky. Sometimes it won't flash. Sometimes it flashes continuously. The flash works fine (everytime) with my N50 and N6006, but not with the N70. If I tighten the pressure wheel on the flash very, very snugly, then it will work fairly well on the N70, but then I can't get it off the shoe!

I suspect that some SB27's have the same problem as some early SB28's have had. That is: long hot shoe contacts. Problem is: I bought my SB27 during a trip to Singapore and do not have a warrantee. I paid as much for it as a "US" model, but Nikon won't honor the warrantee. So! I am stuck with a $250, Catch-22 (or SB27), Nikon Boat Anchor.

I would try having Nikon look at it. Maybe they will fix it.

-- Charlie Robbins (robbnsc@hotmail.com), December 14, 1999.

Had the same problem. Flash firing by itself or not firing at all. I tested the flash with two other F70 bodies. Everything was OK. The problem was in the camera. Before buying the SB27, I used for a couple of time a non-Nikon flash and this damaged the electronics of the camera. The end: sold camera as scrap (it was not worth fixing it because it was grey market).

-- Luca Stramare (phormula@libero.it), December 18, 1999.

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