Requested/Emoticons/Acronyms---short cuts : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread

It was requested I post these to the list.


by Glenn Smith

Acronyms Meaning -------- -------

$.02 - two cent's worth
AC - Alexander Campbell
ACU - Abilene Christian University
AFAIK - as far as I know
ASAP - as soon as possible
AV - Authorized Version
BBB - Batsell Barrett Baxter
BBL - Be Back Later
BCE - before the common era (aka BC)
BCP - Book of Common Prayer
BFN - Bye For Now
BG- big grin
BM - Boston Movement (now ICoC)
BRB - Be Right Back
BS - Barton Stone
BTSP - Brown Trail School of Preaching
BTAIM - be that as it may
BTW - by the way
BWS - Barton W. Stone
CAD - Control-Alternate-Delete or Computer Aided Design
CC - Christian Church or Christian Chronicle
CoC/COC - Church of Christ; sometimes exclusively those with CoC in their names
coC - church of Christ (church universal)
CCCC - Christian Churches/Churches of Christ
CE - Common Era (aka AD)
CEV - Contemporary English Version
CP - copy protection
DL - David Lipscomb (the man or the school)
DoC - Disciples of Christ
FEW - Foy E. Wallace
FF - Firm Foundation
FH/FHU - Freed-Hardeman (University)
FUBAR - fouled up beyond all recognition
FWIW - for what it's worth
FYI - for your information - grin - big grin
GA - Gospel Advocate
gd&h - grinning, ducking and hiding
gd&r - grinning, ducking and running
GNB - Good News Bible Greek
OT - collection of Jewish holy books in Greek; aka LXX
HB - Hebrew Bible
HDS - Harvard Divinity School
HGS - Harding Graduate School
HSIK - how should I know
HUGSR - Harding University Graduate School of Religion.
IAE - in any event
IANAL - I am not a lawyer
AW - in accordance with
ICoC - International Churches of Christ (was Boston Movement)
ICC - Independent Christian Churches
IM - instrumental music
IMO - in my opinion
IMHO - in my humble opinion
IMNSHO - in my not-so-humble opinion
ISTM - it seems to me
IWSTY - it would seem to you
JB - Jerusalem Bible
JFYI - just for your information
JW - Jehova's Witness
KJV - King James Version
LB - Living Bible
LDS - Latter Day Saints
LOL - laughing out loud or lots of luck
LMAO - laughing my arse off
LXX - common abbreviation for Greek OT; or, for many, the Septuagint
MH - Millennial Harbinger
MS(S) - manuscript(s)
MSOP - Memphis School of Preaching
NAB - New American Bible (Catholic)
NASB - New American Standard Bible
NBD - no big deal
NC - non-class
NCV - New Century Version
NEB - New English Bible
NI - non-institutional (non-cooperating)
NIV - New International Version
NJV - New Jewish Version
NOYB - none of your business
NRSV - New Revised Standard Version
NT - New Testament
OBE - overcome by events (no longer relevant)
OC - one cup
OIC - oh, I see
OT - Old Testament
OTC - on the contrary
OTL - out to lunch
OTOH - on the other hand
ME - mutual edification
PM - premillennial or postmodern(ism/ity)
PMFJI - pardon me for jumping in
PMJI - pardon my jumping in
PTB - powers that be RC -
Roman Catholic
REB - Revised English Bible
ROTFL - rolling on the floor laughing
RM - restoration movement
RSN - real soon now RSV -
Revised Standard Version
RTFM - read the fine manual
RV - Revised Version
S-C - Stone Campbell
SNAFU - situation normal, all fouled up
Sysop - Systems Operator; person who runs a computer system
TANSTAAFL - there ain't no such thing as a free lunch
TC - Thomas Campbell (AC's father)
TEV - Today's English Version (aka GNB)
TAFN - that's all for now
TIA - thanks in advance
TIC - tongue in cheek
TTFN - ta-ta for now (good bye)
TTYL - talk to you later
TSR - terminate and stay resident (computer program runs in memory)
WFRSP - White's Ferry Road School of Preaching
WOA - work of art
WS - Walter Scott
WYSIWYG - what you see is what you get
YB - your brother
YBIC - your brother in Christ
YS - your sister
YSIC - your sister in Christ

Emoticons - ASCII-based characters that picture a kind of emotion; elements mixed and matched to create artful representations desired by the author; a figure created with the symbols on the keyboard. Read with the head tilted to the left. Used to convey the spirit in which a line of text is typed.

Emoticon Meaning -------- -------

:-) - smilely emoticon; happy
;-) - winking emoticon; wry, tongue-in-cheek
:-( - frowning emoticon; sad
:-D - laughing or really big toothy grin
:-? - perplexed or tongue-in-cheek
:-[ - vampire

-- Anonymous, October 28, 1999



You forgot one.....

"NO" for "Neo-Orthodoxy"

-- Anonymous, October 28, 1999

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