preterist : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread

helloooo this is my first posting.

just wondering if there are any preterists out there?....

in that, i mean is there anyone out there that believes that Jesus meant what he said, when he said... many of you will be around when i return.... *poor quote ,maby but that was the substance of it*

just wondering and looking for new ideas and substance for the train of thought that Jesus did indeed return to earth like he promised to and did so to be able to fullfill prophesy and begin his new covenent with man.

now i know i am opening up a magnanimous can of worms but I coudn't resist after spending only one week reading the postings that have been made here.

i must say that i respect each and every opinion given here and am thankful for the diversity cuz lurking around here and listening to ya'll i have gleaned a lot of pearls

thanks for the diversity ya'll ... let me know what you think

forevery learning at the Masters feet Dan

-- Anonymous, October 28, 1999


John Noe (a friend of mine here in Indy) is a full preterist. You can find his books & similar stuff at Preterist.Com. Even Christianity Today has reviewed his new book.

John says I'm a partial preterest like R.C. Sproul. American Vision (a ministry headed up by Gary Demar) is a good place to get a variety of materials on this and other relevant subjects. Call 1-800-628- 9460 to get their free Biblical Worldview magazine.

-- Anonymous, October 28, 1999

Dan I am more partial to the pre-mil. view of Christ's return. I know this statement DOES open more worms that yours. But, I feel I am not alone.

-- Anonymous, October 28, 1999

I just recieved a copy of the Parousia. by J.Stuart Russell from my best friend for my birthday,and wow it is fascinating and I've only just started it. i have also been finding out that there is alot of subject matter on the issue.

i came across the idea mostly on my own in the eighties after reading the BOOKS OF WAR by Josephus and i thought that after writing two papers for a class that i was taking that i might be onto a new idea.

(haha) and thought after talking to the prof and differing with his opinion he gave me an A for the work.

anyway thanks for the references Jim and your response AKelly I look forward to learning a lot more in this study.

i have wondered what the early Christians thought as they fled to the hills as saw the city of Jerusalem being distroyed. Maby we will find out when we get to talk to them spirit to spirit

-- Anonymous, October 31, 1999

By way of His Spirit, the Holy Spirit, Jesus did come upon them the Day of Penticost as foretold in Joel. A promise kept...Acts 2.

-- Anonymous, November 02, 1999

Preterest believe every thing was fulfilled in 70 AD and Jesus has returned and is losing the battle with satan saving souls. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC by Babylon , then Jerusalem was conquered by the Arabs in 637, Jerusalem conquered by Crusaders in 1099 also before I forget Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 Ad by the Romans. Jesus must of been on the move quite a few times getting out of the way of all these envading forces. DRc

-- Anonymous, July 02, 2001

Jim Craig,

Could you define 'full preterist' for me? Are there varieties of 'full preterism?'

I know there are some preterists who go so far as to say that the prophecies about Christ's return and the resurrection have already been fulfilled, and that there will be no literal resurrection of the dead. Is that a 'full preterist' or can you be a full preterist without going to that extreme?

Btw, I wonder if Alexander was delivered over to Satan for teaching that the resurrection had already taken place in an 'allegorical' sense.

-- Anonymous, July 02, 2001

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