Have you hooked up with an old friend recently?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

Were there any surprises? Did you recognize them right away?

I think what surprised me most yesterday was how alike Debbie and I are in some ways. Even in high school I thought of us as being very different, but we aren't as different as I thought we were.

I can't think of another person from high school with whom I could spend a whole afternoon just yakking. That was really great.

-- Anonymous, October 26, 1999


Thanks, Beth! I had a great time too!

-- Anonymous, October 26, 1999

No, I haven't. I'm really bad at keeping up with people. Sometimes I'm glad, sometimes I'm sorry.

I contacted a couple of friends from college recently, after a long time not in touch. We were having our wedding reception and I wanted to invite them. Both were glad to hear from me and we exchanged some email, which was nice, but we haven't taken it from there. The first person and I have talked about getting together but I'm not sure how to do it. Just the two of us? Something with both our spouses? That would seem to add a layer of tension that doesn't need to be there. The last time we saw each other we had a lot to talk about, but I'm not sure my partner would have a lot to say to her. We have computers, after all.

And in fact, this woman has had a sex change, just like the cliche.

The other person and his wife didn't come to the party because we weren't inviting children and they couldn't get a sitter for their son. I was dissapointed.

-- Anonymous, October 26, 1999

I recently joined and gym and a few days went by and I saw a familiar face. It was my friend from 9 years ago (so it was a college friend). She had just joined this gym. We spent the summer together in Africa back in the day, she knows what's going on in my life because she reads my journal, but I hadn't had a chance to talk to her about her woes. So last nite, after working out we went and had dinner. it was so very nice and relaxing.

-- Anonymous, October 28, 1999

I had a good friend while I was in undergrad (about 9 years ago). She already graduated but she worked in the English department on campus. We hit it off. We stayed in contact for a few years, up until about 1995, even while she and her husband traveled through China teaching English. Then correspondence fell off, as it sometimes does. Fast forward to 1998, at my boring job at another university. I was READING THE CAMPUS PHONE BOOK due to a complete lack of anything else to do. I came upon her name. She was studying at this university! I called her up, we met up again, and we now talk or see each other about once a week.

-- Anonymous, October 29, 1999

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