Boeing and Microsoft to move out of Washington : LUSENET : I-695 Thirty Dollar License Tab Initiative : One Thread

Now Im informed. Looks like I will have to vote no on I-695. From the Web site supporting a no vote I found this quote:

I-695 will harm the state economy because big employers like Microsoft and Boeing will move some activities out of state where transportation costs are adequately funded.

-- Doug (, October 25, 1999


I believe that if I was Boeing or Mircosoft, and I wanted to retain the ability to influence tax law in this state. I would say the same thing, to try to get people to do just that,its called scare tactics. Vote what you believe would be good for you, cuz thats what Boeing will do, regardless of the vote, what is good for them.

-- no chance (, October 25, 1999.

Request them to kindly not let door hit them in butt on way out!

-- zowie (, October 26, 1999.

...the sky is falling!...the sky is falling!...the sky is falling!...

Do you honestly think the big employers will shut their doors just because of a puny little MVET? Spare me the doom and gloom. Boeing cares about one thing... making and selling more airplanes. It could care less about transportation funding by the state. As for Microsoft, hell, Billy-boy could buy the state if he wanted. His operation is based in Redmond because that's where he wants it. Something as minor as a few potholes and unrepaired overpasses won't force him to pick up stakes and move next door to South Dakota....

-- just a guy (, October 26, 1999.

VOTE NO, when you went looking for a job, did your employer find you? If you answered yes I say ya right!! Your oh so important... So why when big companys ask for your vote are we so put off and upset? After all, we bring home a pay check because these big employers are here in this area, even if we aren't employed by them, people from them buy products to support your job! So why the hate towards big companys. And our elected officials, aren't they there to tell us thier opition on how to vote. We don't have to lisen, but we elected them to show us the pluses and minuses of our votes, so why the hate people, vote your heart on Nov. 2, and get out and vote, remember the road you drive on to get there was payed for with MVET money...I thought I would just throw that in there.

-- Theodore (, October 26, 1999.

Let's be honest: no, those roads you drive on, for the greatest part, were NOT paid for by MVET money. For years, MVET went straight to the general fund. That only changed two years ago, and anyone who believes that elected officials will just throw up their hands and say no to transportation are quite deluded. The legislature's job is to pass a budget based on well-thought out priorities. If they don't have what it takes to accomplish that, then they should not be accepting a salary from our tax money. Yes, they will have to work hard, be prudent, and think creatively. Most legislators will tell you that's why they want to be there, anyway.

-- Jay Trent (, October 31, 1999.

Jay Trent:

What you left out was that the voters approved using the MVET to fund transportation, so that the state would have the funds to finally accomplish some major improvements. Loss of the MVET, and the dedication of much of the revenue to highway projects will not eliminate highway work. We will just go back to the way things were, only with less money to work with. We were not happy with highway funding before, and we will be less happy in the future if 695 is approved.

-- dbvz (, October 31, 1999.


So will you be moving too.

Ed - goodbye

-- Ed (, November 01, 1999.

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