Where is the Royalty free CD-i player with WinOnCD 3.6?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I just purchased WinOnCD 3.6 POWER EDITION to make Video CD's on my WIndows 98 system. I read in this forum and also in the manual that they are supposed to include a "royalty-free CeQuadrat CD-i player application. There is no limitation on the number of titles or copies you can produce with the CeQuadrat CD-i application, provided the CD was written with CeQuadrat software..." Well, that was on page 114 of the manual and I can't for the life of me figure out where this software is or how to implement it as a autoboot application. Has anyone out there the same version of this software and used this to provide for autoboot on PC's of VideoCD's created with WinOnCD Version 3.6? Either I must be missing something here or they aren't supporting/providing this software. If you have used it, how do you you implement it into the autoplay feature to create Video CD's? I searched the Windows 98 PROGRAM FILES directory in WInOnCD and as well the MASTER CD for a *.exe or *.com but can't find the player program. HELP!!!

-- Texas Bill (bill@billbryson.com), October 23, 1999


It must be burnt in to the VideoCD. CD-i is Philips standard, and I believe it is part of the coding that bridge VideoCD and CD-i. If you get VCD authoring system that hasn't got the CD-i coding, it can only be played on computers and VCD players, but not in Philips CD-i.

-- Rusman Priyana (priyana@eudoramail.com), October 25, 1999.


-- İlhan SENTURK (ilhyna12@excite.com), March 24, 2002.

Ne Oluyr Bu Programı bana beleş verin

-- İlhan SENTURK (ilhan12@excite.com), March 24, 2002.


-- iopiop (ui@f.lkl), November 27, 2002.

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