How do you spend your Saturday mornings? : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

Have you ever seen a Saturday morning? Or do you just proceed straight to Saturday afternoon?

Apparently I should spend my Saturday mornings paying a little more attention to my caffeine intake, since I just tried to make coffee without using any actual water.

-- Anonymous, October 23, 1999


Ahhh... similar coffee-making technique to my husband, who made *our* Saturday morning coffee without the coffee. We ended up with a pot of brownish water that is reminding me it is time to clean the coffee maker again.

How I spend my Saturday morning: Writing, coding, uploading, then reading you and my other daily journals, then writing in your forum. How I am going to spend the rest of it: working on my redesign.

I've been up for hours. Sleeping in until afternoon sounds grand, but impossible. I'm so programmed to get up at fucking 6 am to take the teenager to school that I can't sleep in even when it is what I really want and need. (I went to bed after at 2 this morning but that didn't reset the old inner alarm clock, oh no.)

Okay. Bye.

-- Anonymous, October 23, 1999

I spend my Saturday mornings watching the KRON news on TV with my husband. I don't watch much TV or news during the week, and they repeat a lot of stories, plus they have the entertainment and cooking and gardening stuff, so it's palatable.

Husband made coffee today, and apparently he has finally grasped the art of not making it too strong. Stronger is not always better, sometimes it's just bitter. He kept swearing he wasn't using too many beans, but I think he was grinding them too fine for the drip maker.

So it looks like an old dog like him can lean something new after all, even if it's only how not to grind the beans for espresso when you're using a drip coffee-maker. Such progress gives me hope. :)

-- Anonymous, October 23, 1999

This is a typical Saturday. I woke up at 5:45, because the beef stew crockpot recipe I'm making for dinner requires that it be cooked for 10 to 12 hours. I threw everything in the crockpot, turned it on, and went back to bed. I was unsuccessful in my quest for sleep, though, since my cat felt the need to climb on top of me and stick his ice- cold litter-scented paw in my face. I got up around 8 and did some laundry, web-surfed, showered, and ate a quick breakfast of strawberry Pop-Tarts before I had to leave for the soccer field with my daughter, who had to play an interminable soccer game this morning (her team lost). Then I found out, to my thrilled delight, that we have to go *back* to the soccer field this afternoon so she can play a second game. When we get home from that game, I'll have to make dinner, clean the kitchen, and get ready because my husband's parents are coming over to watch "The Blair Witch Project" with us tonight. Tomorrow, I refuse to do *anything* I don't wanna do.

-- Anonymous, October 23, 1999

tech rehearsals. every saturday. they never stop.

for instance, i spent three hours this morning shoving large heavy scenery around and moving quite possibly the world's ugliest couch onto and off of a platform.

and i never get to sleep enough, as my room is on the east side of the building, and we have enormous glass windows that run the length of the room. it gets so goddamn hot in my room i can't sleep past 9 am.

-- Anonymous, October 23, 1999

I get up around 8, check email, drink tea (I hate coffee), make a few phone calls (to my dad usually, to my boyfriend) and then read and then go back to sleep for a while. It's pretty basic.


-- Anonymous, October 23, 1999

I get up at least an hour before Daniel, otherwise I'll be trapped in bed all morning being accused of being a "non-cuddler." ACK!

I get up slowly, and walk slowly to the kitchen to grab a handful of Ritz or saltine crackers. I dodge Bailey, who is always more than happy to take the crackers off my hands. I walk slowly into the computer room, and start munching on the crackers at a snail's pace.

I check my e-mail, and then check my website stats to make sure nobody freaky has been on in the past 24 hours.

Then I usually end up running to the bathroom to rid myself of the Ritz or saltine crackers.

About that time, Dan wakes up and complains that I didn't give him any snugglies. I remind him that I'm a cold hearted bitch, he remembers, then he goes back to sleep.

Then I go read bad hair days.


-- Anonymous, October 24, 1999

I sleep as late as I possibly can and spend half an hour shoving Mike out of bed. He tries to get me to bribe him with kisses and sexual favors, but I give him a hard poke in the ribs. He grumbles; he gets out; he showers. This time period is interspersed with Russell's complaints and demands every 20 minutes until we actually leave the house for the soccer game starting typically at 730AM.

Mike and I debate whose fault it was that we didn't leave 20 minutes earlier and decide that it's the other's fault. I then leave said soccer game with the family males in tow, and mercilessly drag them to a few garage sales, where I look things over for assorted baby stuff, and generally cute crap I don't need, but think I should get, so I can justify my torture of the two family males.

I then get home and make the family males clean for a while and then fall into a pregnancy induced coma for the afternoon. And they goof off watching videos, playing games or generally avoid anything noisy that will get that sleeping grump awake in the next room.

We finish housework on Sundays. I feel like once I've had a day of sleep, I can then actually work for a couple hours. This morning, I found the video pile that the male child had left....20 videos not in their boxes, mostly not rewound. Someone got busted bad and tried to toss a hissy fit about being made to help clean up and then that same someone got promptly guilt-tripped into remembering that he has to contribute to the household or Mommy won't sew his pirate pants for Halloween. *evil grin*

-- Anonymous, October 24, 1999

When Mittens meows at 3,4, or 5 am. I get up with flashlight and let him out. Then back to bed to sleep in as long as I can. Usually on Saturday mornings I am awakened at 8 or 9 am by a loud MEOWWWWWWWW from my oldest cat, Gray Lady (18 years old at least) who just can't wait any longer for her food. She stands by the bed close to my ear to emit this wake-up call. Feed cats. Make coffee and my Saturday morning treat, a smoothie (banana, oj, milk, 2 T. soy powder, and raspberry or peach yogurt) Back to bedroom with my smoothie and coffee to sit in my easy chair to wake up and watch This Old House. The rest of the morning depends on how ambitious I feel. I may paint (the walls), or read, or try to beat the crowd to the grocery. If it's summer, I may go outside to putter in the garden while it's still cool.

-- Anonymous, October 25, 1999

Many weekends we both get up early and go to flea markets or garage sales. We get donuts or something once we're out of the house.

Otherwise, Pat always wakes up before me, and he has been instructed to generally wake me by ten, so I don't sleep the day away.

Sometimes he brings coffee from outside. I never make coffee at home because I forget how. He doesn't drink it. If he doesn't get coffee, I drink Coke.

Then we usually read the paper and sit around eating till we start doing household chores. I often don't go online on the weekends.

-- Anonymous, October 25, 1999

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