Whatever happened to Alla?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

For the last month or so, Alla (of allamagoosalum.com)'s site has been out of commission. Curious if anyone knows why, or where it has relocated.

My personal theory: She and David broke up (like that wasn't going to happen sooner or later - duh). Now she can't keep an online journal, since all of her entries were how wonderful their relationship was and/or how fat, dirty, lazy, etc. his ex was.

Yeah, so I'm a shameless voyeur (and Beth supporter). I'd love to see her have to eat crow. How mean and petty of me. Ha.

-- Anonymous, October 22, 1999


I have no idea what happened to her and I don't know either of the people involved, but I noticed her missing in action, too, and I confess I thought the same thing.

A hint to anyone who would sleep with another person's spouse and then hook up with the philanderer: it's not wise to crow about what a jerk the ex is and how wonderful the philanderer is to you, because nine times out of ten he'll do the same thing to you that he did to her. And boy, will you look stupid when that happens.

-- Anonymous, October 22, 1999

Several people have written to me and sent me Alla's URL. So she's not gone.

What a relief.

-- Anonymous, October 23, 1999

Will you post the URL? I'd like to see what her latest rationalizations are.

-- Anonymous, October 23, 1999


I confess, i was reading her journal first. Now that I've been reading *both*... you get a much more balanced approach, especially (for me) now that she's said she's only 23 or something like that, then alla makes a bit more sense. well, in her own way...

I like the writing style of atrophine better now.

-- Anonymous, October 23, 1999

Thanks Andrea. I should say that I don't "know" either of the parties myself, only what I gleaned from reading the journals. I was reading Atropine first, then started reading Alla's when the David thing happened. I also think Beth's writing is better. I come down on her side because (a) you shouldn't move in on someone else's spouse unless and until they are (at the very least) separated, and (b) if you choose to disregard (a), fine -- but at least understand that the left-behind spouse is going to be very angry at you. Have the grace to let her vent without attacking her relationship with her ex, her weight, housekeeping style, etc...

But that's just my opinion -- I could be wrong.

-- Anonymous, October 24, 1999

Nope, sounds pretty right.. but rather than go the "which one I agree with" raod.. I'd like to point out that you hardly hear about the man in question. its all his fault. ;-) there's a link in alla's journal about qwhat he's doing now (an on-line magazine) and the pic of him.. well, let's just say i was a little confused trying to picture him next to elizabeth...

-- Anonymous, October 24, 1999

Oh dear God. NOW she's writing about how she discussed Beth with David's mom:

"This somehow developed into an interesting conversation about Beth ... I hadn't known David's mom had once talked with her mother extensively ... it was very informative ... and scary, quite frankly."

She just can't stop, can she?

How classless. How catty. How tacky.


-- Anonymous, October 29, 1999

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