chemtrails : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

I read somewhere that a Col. Ammerman saw plans for 50% of the American pop to die I think? If this is true could they use Anthrax or other chemtrails over the major pop areas during y2k when they call in the National Guard to hold people in the cities and then if communications are down could they just say it was disease or something and claim not to many people died. I saw chemtrails myself they look like a long stream at first then form huge clouds. Maybe I have an overactive imagination. w

-- freedom (, October 22, 1999


No, Freedom, you are absolutely correct. I heard it from someone who knows someone who thinks they are someone. The real poop is that you can selectively kill off just the right people by spraying chemicals at 30,000 feet. Anthrax is being sprayed all the time and its killing lots of the worst people but the thousands of people involved are keeping it under tight wraps so the word isnt slipping out. Its Anthrax-Pro, kills off only bad people, not the important people in society, but this is easy for the scientists to work out.

Another plan is to spray something which will kill of society so slowly that they become a burden on the medicare system and crush society under the weight of medical costs so we can......... oh, it doesnt matter, it made sense when they told me about it.

Oh, by the way..... DELETE !.

-- hamster (, October 22, 1999.

So freedom... you 'saw' chemtrails and you are still here to talk about it? All a long I have been worried about newcomers to the y2k issue being misled by the nut cases... What a moron I am. With stuff like that, nobody is going to take much on this forum as anything but collective paranoia... Somewhere I wrote that propaganda has to be emotionally charged and unsubtiantable. I should have also included belivable. Totally unbelievable.

-- Michael Erskine (, October 22, 1999.

hamster, that other, slow-killing stuff they don't have to spray and they sell it to the victims, too! (Great idea, what?!) it's cigarettes. Cool, huh?

-- Mara (, October 22, 1999.

Alcohol kills slowly...

Most people don't care, they're not in a hurry.

-- no talking please (, October 22, 1999.

The contrail issue has been covered on previous threads. Millions have seen these now; it's hardly a "conspiracy theory" at this point. A serious mainstream article was written on this (Dallas News? Miami Herald?) I have yet to see a satisfactory theory of what's being sprayed, but it's clear that a spraying program of some kind is targeting urban areas - any concentration of population. The trails are LOW altitude, too low for ordinary contrails to form; and they do not fade normally, but spread out into cloud cover with a few hours. They typically are sprayed in an unusual cross-hatched or "tic-tac-toe" pattern. And it is far to comprehensive and prolonged to represent a "test" or a "study."

Those of you who feel obligated to ridicule this and laught it off without bothering to research it: isn't this what Y2k DGIs are doing?


-- Liberty (, October 22, 1999.

>Those of you who feel obligated to ridicule

>this and laught it off without bothering

>to research it: isn't this what Y2k DGIs are doing?

Wonderful! I can use this logic to throw the burden of proof on the reader for any cockamamie daydream I want.

Hey, Jesus called me on the phone this morning to tell me that the major religions have got it all wrong! Salvation can only be obtained by elevating the prophet (that's me, btw) to world leadership with all the cash, cars, and women I want. It's all there in Revelation, if you read the book with the appropriately prayerful heart and God elects you to be one of the saved who see the truth.

What, you don't believe me? Well, you must be one of those head-in-the-sand sheeple dupes! Isn't that just like the people who don't believe you?


-- Jeff Zurschmeide (, October 22, 1999.


These trails have been reported by thousands of reliable witnesses from all fifty states. If wiggling your ass in the face of people who are concerned about some unexplained phenomenon is more important to you than finding out what's going on, as seems to be the case, you are rejecting data a priori, which is irrational. If we're being sprayed, it's not an academic question. "Disproving" any anomaly, much less banishing it with ridicule, will do nothing to stop the spraying which many, including myself, have observed and experienced first-hand.

Here's an altavista search on the contrail phenomenon, for anyone who is interested in this. Sorry Jeff, it's electronic, so you can't wipe your ass with it and crow in our faces like a rooster. trails%22


-- Liberty (, October 22, 1999.

Leave Liberty alone, he is always right. Even if he is not YOU must be wrong. He will always fight for his right to tell you that you are wrong. Besides he's heavily armed.

Liberty, I cant believe you are suckered into the contrail thing.

-- hamster (, October 22, 1999.

Colonel Ammerman is off in his numbers. The actual 'required' global reduction in population can be found in the United Nations Global Biodiversity Assessment. See the following website:

This 1993 document states that a 2/3rds reduction in the human populace must be achieved within the next thirty years in order to preserve our planet from 'destruction'.

However, the document is very clever in not stating how this is to be accomplished. You can rest easy to know that, although our senate did not ratify this treaty in 1997, it is being implemented anyways through executive orders signed by our sitting president.

Are we lucky or what?

-- OR (, October 22, 1999.


I am not "right" about chemtrails. As I said, it's not about who's right. I have seen chemtrails: lines of spray crap coming out of planes, laid down in crossing lines, looking like ordinary chemtrails at first, but not dissolving. Instead, they spread out into total cloudcover. I saw an anomaly. It's characteristics were identical to those reported by trained observers from all 50 states. Read up. If you change your mind, you won't suddenly "be wrong" and I won't be "right." I'm just saying something truly odd is occuring, and it deserves our attention. I do not agree with OR that it is population control - it could be; I don't know. It could also be some aerosol innoculation program - or it could be something else that we haven't thought of. But something is happening, so just please, don't take a dump on people who are reporting this before you do some more research, keeping in mind that if it is a covert op, any public info on it will appear in the context of a disinformational smokescreen (false, implausible or distorted reports, reports given in an over-the-top manner, from unreliable sources) as per usual.

Btw: I am very lightly armed, and God help me if I ever have to draw a weapon to do harm to another, precious human being.


-- Liberty (, October 23, 1999.

The chemtrails are very real and I have seen them dozens of times. Whether this is medical research or weather control experimentation is unclear, but they are definitely doing something that is not normal jet contrails. I am getting VERY pissed about it too, because I know it cannot be good for us. Even if no other harm is being done, they are capable at the very least of changing a perfectly sunny clear blue sky day into an overcast depressing mess. I'm PISSED and I want them to tell us what the hell they are doing or else stop it right now.

-- @ (@@@.@), October 23, 1999.

Liberty, I'm not necessarily convinced that the chemtrails are for the purpose of culling either. I did bring up the above information because it is real, researchable, provable and relevant.

I have seen the chemtrails. Anyone who has been, or is in, the aviation business understands flight airways and stacking. All flights are scheduled in the same airway patterns or flight paths between airports in which you can expect to see the same *commercial* jet traffic, at the same altitudes, flying the same pathways on regular passes over a given area, but if you live within 100 miles of a major hub airport such as Chicago O'Hare then you would experience a different and dynamically changing pattern which accomodates a large traffic flow from many differing directions.

I do not live anywhere near a major hub airport. On days that we are not being sprayed, the flight traffic is always the same and they leave trails that dissipate within minutes, if not sooner. On the days we are being sprayed, flight traffic moves in all directions, are not traveling the normal everyday routes and leave trails that do not dissipate. These planes are of varying altitude, which does not seem to change the fact that the trails do not dissipate. The planes that are traveling the normal routes on these days still do not leave trails. It does not take too much of an effort to understand something strange is going on.

Some are going to wake up to it faster than others.

-- OR (, October 23, 1999.

Liberty, I'm not necessarily convinced that the chemtrails are for the purpose of culling either. I did bring up the above information because it is real, researchable, provable and relevant.

I have seen the chemtrails. Anyone who has been, or is in, the aviation business understands flight airways and stacking. All flights are scheduled in the same airway patterns or flight paths between airports in which you can expect to see the same *commercial* jet traffic, at the same altitudes, flying the same pathways on regular passes over a given area, but if you live within 100 miles of a major hub airport such as Chicago O'Hare then you would experience a different and dynamically changing pattern which accomodates a large traffic flow from many differing directions.

I do not live anywhere near a major hub airport. On days that we are not being sprayed, the flight traffic is always the same and they leave trails that dissipate within minutes, if not sooner. On the days we are being sprayed, flight traffic moves in all directions, are not traveling the normal everyday routes and leave trails that do not dissipate. These planes are of varying altitude, which does not seem to change the fact that the trails do not dissipate. The planes that are traveling the normal routes on these days still do not leave trails. It is not too much of a stretch to understand something strange is going on.

Some are going to wake up to it faster than others.

-- OR (, October 23, 1999.

Can one of you chemtrails types please edify me as to why "they" are spraying me every three or four days, for almost the whole day on days that "they" spray? The weird thing is that I live in a small valley with a population of maybe two hundred people, and the nearest town is ten miles away, and there are only twenty thousand souls THERE.

How many times do "they" need to spray us to do whatever it is that "they" are doing?

Is it not possible that the relative humidity in the part of the atmosphere these aircraft are flying through determines whether the chemtrails (contrails?) dissipate or not?


-- Al K. Lloyd (, October 23, 1999.


They could be administering a psychoactive drug in aerosol form. Or an aerosol innoculation might require repeated dosages(?).


I didn't mean to misquote you. And I'm well aware of the "population control" rhetoric of the UN, the Club of Rome, et al - it is chilling. I don't necessarily believe that chemical spraying is a population reduction effort, but some of the statements made (Prince Phillip's "I want to come back as a germ and wipe out excess population" comes to mind) make it difficult to dismiss such a theory out of hand.


-- Liberty (, October 24, 1999.


They could be administering a psychoactive drug in aerosol form. Or an aerosol innoculation might require repeated dosages(?).

Liberty, yes, they "could" be doing any number of things. But, then again, isn't it more likely that "they" aren't doing anything at all, and these so called chem trails are merely an indication of differing atmospheric conditions? I for one, am more concerned that the atmosphere may be getting overloaded with jet exhaust.

If "they" need to give us repeated doses of psychoactive drugs, can I count on them continuing these applications? Can we all adjust our y2k preparation budget to reflect that? (by spending more on beer, and less on psychoactive drugs) :-)


-- Al K. Lloyd (, October 24, 1999.

Al D ole boy, take one more look at my post (posted for your convenience) and if you can address the issues at hand and give a plausible explanation, then by all means do so, but please do not insult our intelligence by stating something about it all being jet exhaust.

***Anyone who has been, or is in, the aviation business understands flight airways and stacking. All flights are scheduled in the same airway patterns or flight paths between airports in which you can expect to see the same *commercial* jet traffic, at the same altitudes, flying the same pathways on regular passes over a given area, but if you live within 100 miles of a major hub airport such as Chicago O'Hare then you would experience a different and dynamically changing pattern which accomodates a large traffic flow from many differing directions.

I do not live anywhere near a major hub airport. On days that we are not being sprayed, the flight traffic is always the same and they leave trails that dissipate within minutes, if not sooner. On the days we are being sprayed, flight traffic moves in all directions, are not traveling the normal everyday routes and leave trails that do not dissipate. These planes are of varying altitude, which does not seem to change the fact that the trails do not dissipate. The planes that are traveling the normal routes on these days still do not leave trails. It is not too much of a stretch to understand something strange is going on.

***By the way, today was another spraying day in our area. Same thing. The normal air traffic once again cruized through on the same pathways with the normal dissipating contrails. The rest of the traffic occurred at differing altitudes going in all directions including similar pathways of the regular traffic, but all left trails that did not dissipate.

Since my explanation of normal air traffic cannot be debunked as folly, I would simply like to hear a credible explanation to the contrary that actually sticks...which means it includes facts, not speculation.

-- OR (, October 24, 1999.

Assuming and in this case ASSuming someone has seen something like this and it really has some special significance... BIG ASSumption but here goes... what about weather control? The new systems have the processing power to handle pretty darn high fidelity weather simulations so... a little cloud seeding in just the right environment and you create a spot of cover that changes the heat absorbtion of the surface in a fairly large area... resulting in ???

Hey really far out but... If someone really saw something unusual in the contrails or if 50 states are REALLY reporting then perhaps we should entertain the idea

-- Michael Erskine (, October 24, 1999.

Two hurricanes this season were bumped to seward around Washington by the jet stream... PURE SPECULATION ABSOLUTLY PURE SPECULATION.

-- Michael Erskine (, October 24, 1999.

Please don't tell me you live in the between the Blue Ridge and the Big Muddy.... I may start to believe it.

-- Michael Erskine (, October 24, 1999.


I found it! Check this out:

Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025

Be sure to read the PDF - it's got all the juicy details:

http:/ /

-- @ (@@@.@), October 24, 1999.

Sorry George, but it's all speculation. It's just a question of whether you choose to think it's some terrible conspiracy or not. If it is, which I find highly unlikely, then I've been getting sprayed by whoever the conspirators are for scores of days per year for ten or fifteen years. I guess whatever they are spraying must not be that bad, or not too effective. Of course, the non dissipating chem trails keep moving east until they are out of sight. I have never seen them falling down out of the sky, so maybe they are affecting the thinking ability of someone who lives further east than I do...

Al Still speculating

-- Al K. Lloyd (, October 25, 1999.

Al K. Lloyd,

I don't think there is any need to speculate. If you read the PDF document above I think you'll see that this is being done by the Air Force to experiment with the possibility of using weather control as a national security advantage. What pisses me off is that they are not telling us what is in that stuff, and that by messing with mother nature like this they could be screwing up the future of the entire planet. I'm also getting sick of those beautiful blue sky days being destroyed by this crap. Bastards.

-- @ (@@@.@), October 25, 1999.

From: Y2K, ` la Carte by Dancr (pic), near Monterey, California

Here are some earlier threads on this topic: Seattle "Chemtrails", and one I started myself (NOT off topic) Chemtrails & Y2K.

The one where I discussed how they're making my son sick got deleted. In that one I reported how our local hospital was swamped with people who had pertusis symptoms and yet tested negative for pertusis. This was reported on the local news and also on a San Jose area television station as being a problem up there.

In addition to the possible explanations mentioned earlier, I'm wondering if this might be a drug that causes laziness. My preparation activity has been way low as compared with the fear that I'm feeling. If so, I sure hope they're aiming it away from the programmers who're supposedly doing remediations.

Another idea... maybe they're doing it to make us look like idiots for noticing it! ahahah

-- Dancr (addy.available@my.webpage), October 25, 1999.

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