Brownout in progress in San Francisco : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

KCBS newsradio has been reporting all afternoon that due to problems at one of their main sub stations serving the SF area, they have requested that large customers including SFO....the airport....cut down on power usage so that they can continue to supply other customers with electricity.... It got very warm at the airport right away as the officials there turned off the A/C system. There were reported "runs" on the ice cream vendors in the terminals.... No lights on in the parking garages either... PG&E says it hopes to have things worked out by tomorrow..

of course this has "nothing" to do with y2k......

or do you still believe in Santa Claus too? LOL!

-- who cares? (, October 21, 1999


PG&E sorta gettin a lame track record.

-- Ashton & Leska in Cascadia (, October 21, 1999.

I have it on "good authority" that Idaho is clearing tree branches again...

-- Uncle Bob (UNCLB0B@Y2KOK.ORG), October 21, 1999.

Damn squirrels.

-- King of Spain (madrid@aol.cum), October 21, 1999.

I just talk to this man who knows the PG&E people and he said that the PG&E computer is very old and it's too late to fix it. They told the PUC that they were supposed to test it in June. No test is done as of today! Another friend who knows some person (can't divulge position) in PG&E told me it is not compliant and won't be. He already moved. The recent blackout was Y2k-related. That's all I can say. There will probably be riot in parts of Oakland, Palo Alto and San Jose.

-- Ray (, October 22, 1999.

You sure that wasn't a "brown-in"? :-) (SF has one of the largest homosexual populations in the world.)

-- A (, October 22, 1999.


We strike again!!!BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!Long Live the Rodent Revolution!!!

-- The Squirrel King (StillNuts@upina.Tree), October 22, 1999.

The Squirrel King,

I've got one of your subjects in my attic. Driving me nuts. Come and get 'em out of here.


-- Mark Hillyard (, October 22, 1999.

Fox urine...just put a little fox urine in the attic Mark... they'll evacuate and won't come back.

-- Shelia (, October 23, 1999.

You buy that at the fox urine store.

-- Dancr (addy.available@my.webpage), October 23, 1999.

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