Halloween Party on Oct 31st, 1999

greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Hey, ya'll -- what's the best time to start this shindig? Vote on it?

- 8pm ET

- 9pm ET

- 10pm ET

-- Editrix (editrix@hotmail.com), October 19, 1999


10:00pm ET.....

-- paul paramaraboo (paramaraboo@myspaceonline.com), October 21, 1999.

The later the better so we can join in from the Southern Hemisphere.......

-- Caesaria & (shadowninja) (katiep90@hotmail.com), October 21, 1999.

10pm est...kids are exhausted / sleep from trick or treating and I get to stay up and relax in quiet. Are we doing the phoney "ID" thing again?(come as a different av and name?) Oh by the way Ed...a friend of mine just purchased a house on Warren Lake out near Keene, NH. I'll be traveling up that way often next year to do some remodeling work for him. We have to get together!

-- Da' wash (KFGJokerDOC@worldnet.att.net), October 24, 1999.

Oh boy! Phony IDs and everything!! I'll try it but as you will recall, last year everyone could spot me from my typos... LOL The later the better for me too. Maybe we should take naps to prepare for the event?

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), October 24, 1999.

Well I am always on so anytime is good for me. Hope to see you all then.

-- _Elesar_ (MoTH) (_Elesar_@excite.com), October 28, 1999.

Okay, sounds like 10pm ET is a good time for it. If ya'll want to wear "disguises," that's fine -- no one recognized me last year ... heee!

So who's bringing the candy? I'll bring the hot appled cider!

See you there!!

-- Editrix (editrix@hotmail.com), October 30, 1999.

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