offline ( mostly) : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

hey all... i am not going to be online much in the next couple months. i am working up on the mountain still and will be staying in a motel rather than trying to drive 35 miles one way to work each day. working 5 days a week ( at least ). will hope to see everyone on Halloween. not a promise however. e-mail if you wish. * hugs to everyone *... miss you all.

-- Desdra (, October 19, 1999


hope to see you at the party, Des! Take care up on that mountain! We'll miss you till you come back down to the flatlands. :-)

-- Editrix (, October 19, 1999.


-- Da' wash (, October 24, 1999.

Whoa! Be very careful up there. Hope you do get to come back down for the Halloween party though.

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, October 24, 1999.

Get your head out of the clouds girl. Hope to see you at halloween party be good and don't work to hard I try not to but then who ever said working was easy

-- jamais1 (, October 27, 1999.

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