OT Dear GOLD BUGS..........

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Many times you have posted, of the success you have had with gold (and other metals)and have strongly indicated that its time to jump onboard. Several forum members have often indicated a need for a little further direction. Would one of the "experts here" feel comfortable or be willing to provide guidance as to the following: (1) What online service do you recommend? (2) What symbols would you recommend? (3) In purchasing gold or silver (preferrably silver) what should or should not be done? (4) Would it be possible to place an order (new online) before the market opens in the morning (or would it make that much difference)? Would we all be just as well off to call our broker by tele? (5) What would be the minimum or maximum investment you would recommend for metals? (6) If the market tanks, what happens to gold/silver, goes up doesn't it? Any help or guideance would be sincerely appreciated. We have listened to what has been said, and several of us are just not experienced at the online stuff, but trust your judgment, OK, so maybe we just want to have a little fun. Thank you. (Email is real.)

-- Nancy (HAYSandCO@aol.com), October 17, 1999


Nancy: Do you like to mudwrestle?

-- King of Spain (madrid@aol.cum), October 17, 1999.

Dammit King, you beat me again!


these are the best 3 goldbug sites and will answer all your questions




Many times you have posted, of the success you have had with gold (and other metals)and have strongly indicated that its time to jump onboard. Several forum members have often indicated a need for a little further direction. Would one of the "experts here" feel comfortable or be willing to provide guidance as to the following: (1) What online service do you recommend?



(2) What symbols would you recommend?

Au Gold Ag silver - www.kitco.com in the discussion area has the latest prices...

(3) In purchasing gold or silver (preferrably silver) what should or should not be done?

take delivery!

(4) Would it be possible to place an order (new online) before the market opens in the morning (or would it make that much difference)? Would we all be just as well off to call our broker by tele?

this can be done through www.monex.com using their services (atlas account)

(5) What would be the minimum or maximum investment you would recommend for metals?

follow your intuition...

(6) If the market tanks, what happens to gold/silver, goes up doesn't it? Any help or guideance would be sincerely appreciated. We have listened to what has been said, and several of us are just not experienced at the online stuff, but trust your judgment, OK, so maybe we just want to have a little fun. Thank you. (Email is real.)

In theory gold and silver have always performed more than well during instability

y2k would count as one of thos don't you think :)

Good luck Nance!

-- Andy (2000EOD@prodigy.net), October 17, 1999.


I always refused to accept orders from clients who didn't know what they were doing and simply leaped in headfirst.

In regards to investing, always, always, always KNOW what you're going to do, why you're going to do it, when you're going to do it, and why, how, when, and where you're going to get out of that investment transaction.

Now, if you don't have any precious metals in your portfolio (in other words physical possession) then by all means consider adding a small percentage of metals (gold/silver) to your portfolio mix. The conservative portfolio manager's and strategists generally recommend 5 to 10% of a portfolio be held in liquid, hard assets like gold. Hard assets in a portfolio would also include Real Estate.

If you're thinking of jumping into paper trading of options, futures contracts or stocks themselves, DON'T do so on an impulse...study it for several months closely and educate yourself.

Here is a great online source for charting and tools for analyzing the market with a lot of information. You can subscribe for free trial for 30 days ... and if you like it you can then sign up for I think $19.95 a month which includes a lot of info from some top quality traders... Also Larry Williams website has good stuff for those interested in trading...the markets.

-- Dick Moody (dickmoody@yahoo.com), October 17, 1999.

I'd add http://www.numismaticprope rties.com/ to the list.

-- Ron Schwarz (rs@clubvb.com.delete.this), October 17, 1999.

Thank you Andy, Mr. Moody, and Mr. Schwartz. Will call George at www.usagold.com tomorrow. Hubby and I are financially conservative and are careful to invest (or loose if things don't go well) only what is confortable, without risk to anything else. Have learned a lot from each of you, with respect to the market and y2k, and sincerely appreciate your expertise and insight. Thanks, Nancy.

-- Nancy (HAYSandCO@aol.com), October 18, 1999.

Hello. I have some questions on options if someone could help. For example, let's say I bought one Dec380 call option that is 28 days from expiring. If I believe that gold will make a big enough move to be in the money late, can I assume I would have no problem selling my option (like even the day before) because someone will want the contract to take physical delivery? Thanks for any response.

-- help (help@me.please), October 18, 1999.

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