How to be a photojournalist? : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread

Hi to all of you!

My name is Latuff. Basically I am a cartoonist, but few months ago a street experience with an old Minolta made me think about to produce some action photos. That's why I decided to buy a camera and make a trip to Angola. Sounds crazy, huh? But believe me, I am serious about that. I think these pictures can be useful as a shout against war. However, since I am completely newby on photojournalism, I would like to make contact with professional photojournalists to get some tips. If you are interested to gimme a hand, please, contact me by email or even ICQ. Email: ICQ: 2699738

Thank you all in advance!

Best regards,


-- Latuff (, October 17, 1999


Latuff, here is a good place to find out about hotzones -- Don't be crazy - be smart and carefully do your research. Good luck and good shooting! Regards, Steve

-- Steve Renaud (, February 01, 2000.

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