Buy vcd's : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I want to buy vcd's. Are there any shops in UK?

Does anyone from UK sell copies of vcd movies?

Please email me with info


-- Stev Paras (, October 15, 1999


dont buy from england buy from i have used them and they are great digital city vcd's cost around 20 pounds where as you can get the same cds (origianl not fakes) for less than half that delivered to your door in free days i live in folkestone

there great

-- david shelton (, October 17, 1999.

I only buy from 2 and,

-- vm (, October 17, 1999.

I use too. They are the best. I also use as they carry original uncut english movies with Chinese subtitles. CD Movies also has the Dreamwork's Pictures movies. All original at CD Movies with great prices and specials.

-- The Lone Ranger (, October 18, 1999.

I buy from and Cool VCD. Cool VCD is great, they have wonderful customer service and their VCD's arrive in 2 days. Also, if you have a problem they bend over backwards to correct it. I highly reccommend them.

-- J. Keating (, November 18, 1999.

Hey folks, you are all wasting your time with UK VCD's, they are all imports from the states and s.e asia anyway........

I just get mine from Malaysia Direct at the pricely sum of about #4 + postage from a friend in Kuala Lumpur..........

-- Angelo (, February 05, 2000.

I don't know of any shops in the UK, but I do know that you can go to any computer fair, they are dotted all over the country so it is likely that there will be one near you. You can usually buy import DVD's as well as VCD's. The VCD's usually sell for about £9.

-- Marc Crossan (, January 23, 2003.

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