CDI SOFTWARE : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread


I have a lot of cd-i and video cd movies. I have the xing mp3 player , so I have no problem with the video cd movies. but i can't find any program to view the cd-i movies. Can anybody help me - I need a program that will work under Win 98

Thank u

-- Aviv Tomer (, October 15, 1999


The short answer: You can't. Only Video CD movies can be viewed on a PC. For true CD-I movies you need a CD-I player.

-- The Lone ranger (, October 16, 1999.

IIRC, that's not true... several dedicated VCD players will play the CD-i DV titles (fact), and I believe Xing Mpeg Player 3.30 will play the CD-i titles...


-- Steve (, November 11, 1999.

Not entirley true, you can watch cd-i movies on our P.C. the problem is that windows 95/98 doe not support greenbook but the dos-driver does, when you bypass the windows driver and use the dos driver it will work.

-- stephane (, November 18, 1999.

Hi There I have a small progrem called Power VCD that will play your cdi only in win98 it does not work in xp,Give a shout if you want it Regards..Razma60

-- Razma60 (, July 20, 2003.

Hi everyone,

I have read the comments over the last couple of years but I still cannot view CDi movies on my PC. I am running XP. Does anyone have a suggestion?? Please email me!!


-- Paul franklin (, September 23, 2003.

In reference to playing any CDI movies in XP, Windows 98 or ME. The only ones that will play for sure are CDI NON digital titles. Like Clear and Present danger or Bull Durham or Star Trek Generations. If your case says DigitialVideo it will not play. The Windows media player in XP home or Pro will only play the mpeg files on the standard video CDI movie disks. Good Luck

-- Lonnie Winakur (, September 27, 2003.


I tried to play a cdi movie on my computer and had no problem. As far as I know the cdi movies come with 3 seperate files. They have the cdi file for cdi players, a vcd file for vcd players, and mpeg files for the computer. I opened the movie folder located the mpeg file and then dragged it into the the movie player that I was using to watch the movie. I think I either used Real One Player or Windows Media (I'm not sure which one). I hope this is of some help to you.

-- Will (, January 05, 2004.

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