Girl Scout Convention orienteering exhibit : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread

The triennial national Girl Scout convention is going on in Kansas City over the next few days and the U.S. O' Federation has an exhibit booth. There are something like 8,000 girls scouts and leaders in town for the convention.

USOF asked OK and PTOC to man the exhibit booth and -- after a lot of work by Dick N. (and others?) -- the booth is set up and OK and PTOC members have been assigned duty times. A few orienteers from other parts of the country are here for the convention and are also helping staff the booth.

Last night, Dan, Mary and I took the 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. shift. We handed out a lot of literature, took names and addresses, and sent some people out on a mini-O' course that was set up in the convention center.

-- Michael Eglinski (, October 15, 1999

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